May 14, 2011 15:29
[ A C T I O N → school ]
[Xion's actually taken a liking to school, it's so much different from what she did with the Organization. Definitely a nice change. Growing away from the shyness she had with meeting people she's approaching people today! Maybe it's lunch, or science class, or during a group project, but she approached with a small tender smile.]
Can I join you?
[ A C T I O N → around town ]
[Chore time! Restless, Xion is going throughout town and stopping at the stores. While she's picking stuff up for the house she's also taking time to carefully note different aspects of the town to her memory. The longer she was here the more she expected things to change. You can find her at the stores, near the police office, the schools or even at the library. Seeing as she stopped at the last place to pick up a few more books.]
[ P H O N E → unfiltered ]
Most of the people in my house seem to be drones... It's really kind of creepy. They all act like everything's meant to be this way, it's like they're pretending to have emotions...
[She's pausing. They remind her of something and she asks, voice quiet and curious.]
How do you know if you have a heart?