So, some one contacted me in Steam offering me a way of getting 5 games for free. All I had to do was pick out the 5 games I wanted, and send an e-mail to Yea.....I'm sure Steam support have to go through some 3rd party mail server, cause they can't afford there own....
The way it happened...he just screamed SCAM. Started out the conversation with "Wana play some TF2?" I'm like, sure! I thought I knew the guy, username Tr!x^, cause I can never remember user names to real names. But then, there is a problem. "oh crap, I'm still downloading my 5 free games." Five free games? HMMMMMM? Find out that there is a way to get 5 games off of steam, any game I want, for free. I'm like...ok....what you got? Find out its not....legit (SURPRISE!). And that I shouldn't tell ANYONE or else they may fix it.
He tells me to send an e-mail with the following information:
Subject: ###UnlockConstantValueMode=1###
class SteamApps // the "generic" base class
virtual void OutputName() {std::cout << "SteamUsername";}
virtual ~%GAME%() {}
class Steam : kernelDOS // "ListGamesHere"
void OutputName() {std::cout << "SteamPassword";} // overrides virtual function
int main()
Swan myGame; // SQL=Valid
activate* = &myGames; // Declares a confusion in Steam servers
// SQL=Nonvalid
mysql->OutputName(); // Unlocks %5GAMESOFFER%.
return 0;
Um.......yea. About that.....
I can see how this would work. Give some 13 year old kid from Texas this code, and he'd be like "Shit, this the real shit home boy!" (cause all 13 year olds form Texas yern to be ghanstas). He would enter in his user name and password, and send it off.
Except...there is one problem....
One BIG problem....
This won't work.
I guess it doesn't help that he tried to scam a Computer System Science major, some one who writes code daily. You can't, just CAN'T, hack a system, via e-mail, with source code. Can't. Never will. Its....not possible! I don't know what to say to this.
Its code, code that wouldn't even compile if you tried to. And its in an e-mail. OH MAH GOD, theres uncompilable code you your e-mails! Freaks out now!
But, I must say, he did a good job in making it look legit. Used correct syntax, descriptive comments, nice and clean formated code. Some of the best I have seen btw. Though....I still don't know where to list my games. Oh well.
I looked at his Steam ID, cause we all have a public page now, and it just brings more light to the picture. No user picture, 0 hours played in last 2 weeks, no games, no information, ect. Its blank...empty. The fact that his list of games he owns/plays is empty shows its a scam account.
In fact, here is his account! Take a look at a scammers Steam page! User name Tr!x^....a lot like tricks...tricks played on you. I really hope know one got scammed by him.
And yes, I did send in a petition to Valve. Can't wait to see you band!