Jan 11, 2007 00:13
Been a long time coming, this post that is. Been doing...nothing. And having a blast! Though all fun must come to an end, I start school again on Tuesday. My plan is to head back to Houghton Saterday, mainly because I have to let my room mate in, and we have to build our entertainment center to hold my XBox 360, Wii, and PS2. It will also hold my room mates projector. Yea, 103" HD screen baby! We have to widen our old shelf. We will do that, and while I am connecting everything my room mate will work on his room. Then Monday (if we are done) is a meeting for work. Then Tuesday is school.
Lots of news out there. The new iPhone, the AppleTV, and other junk from the electronic expo thingy. Me? I'm like "iPhone for teh wi.........$500?......FUCK NO!" Then again, the RAZER was like $300 when it comes out, and you can get them for free now. Just have to wait. As for the AppleTV? Na. I was pissed at something though. Its not out even one day, and there is already people that are like "OMFG it c@N rUn t3h l1nUx!11!1!!" FUCK NUGET, it is ALREADY running UNIX. You don't need to install Linux on every fucking thing, dick!
Yes, I dislike Linux. I HATE Linux Zeluts.
On break I have played a lot of 360. Wow. Have it hooked up to a 19" monitor, and it is perdy. I am more then pleased with the 360. It is a lot better than I was expecting. As such, the Wii has gotten little attention. That will change when I get back to school, and with the fact that I now know I am not close to the end of LoZTWP but far far away (have 20 hours in, only about 30% done. WOW) My room mate is looking forward to playing with it. He is STILL searching for one to buy. I sure am glad I waited 11 hours for mine....even though it bricked it's self in 5 min.
I wish I had dedicated internet. Satalite is sloooow. Can't even watch YouTube with out it laging up. Also the fact that I have no online games, can't update steam, ect. It looks like we MAY get DSL here in the summer. That would be cool. I may come home for the summer and just relax, seeing as it would be my last summer off. My dad wants me to come back, so we will see.
Been reading lots o comix. Granted most of them are....::cough cough:: furry ::cough sputter:: But I will post them later on for I think some of them are good. Specifically Lackadasy. Its a comic that takes place in new Orleans in the 1920's during probation. It follows some anthro cats, and has a very interesting art style (think Disney anthro, not furry anthro...still look ALOT like cats). Awsome art style. Have yet to read it all, but it looks very promising.
Lots of stuff to look forward to next week. Can't wait!