Fic: Elsewhere

May 06, 2009 03:22

Title: Elsewhere
Author: Chosenfire
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN. All recognizable characters and situations belong to their respective owners and I make no profit off of playing with them. Song by Bethany Joy Lenz.
Fandom: Supernatural/One Tree Hill
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/Characters: Haley, Lucas (mention of Dean/Haley, Jamie)
Written For: almostgaby who wanted Dean/Haley
Spoilers: SPN post series AU, OTH season 5 AU
Summary: Haley was finally moved on, Lucas finds out almost 6 months after the fact.

Author’s Note: Thank god I’ve been watching One Tree Hill reruns pretty much every day. This is another new pairing for me, one I’ve seen and liked but never got into. Dean isn’t actually in this (he’s talked about it a lot) so I included some fan art I never got around to posting at the bottom. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

I believe
This is heaven to no one else but me
And I'll defend it long as I can be left here to linger in silence
If I chose to would you try to understand

“When we’re you going to tell us about him?” Lucas asked her softly his arms folded across his chest as he took in his best friend rushing around to pick up stray toys off the floor. It didn’t matter if they were all grown up now. She was his best friend, had been since he knew what a best friend was, and the fact that she had kept a secret this big from him hurt a little.

Haley looked over at him dropping the last of the blocks into their small basket kept by the couch her voice incredulous “I didn’t know I had to Luke. Contrary to popular belief but you guys don’t need to know every detail of my life. This is a little more personal than I am comfortable sharing.” There was a touch of anger and nervousness to her voice.

“This just isn’t about you Hales.” Lucas’s voice was soft. He didn’t want to push her. He didn’t want her to think he didn’t approve. He did, he definitely did. It made him beyond happy that she was dating again, that she was willing to risk her heart again.

Nathan had died a little over a year after his son was born. It had been a car crash of all things, painfully ironic because the Scott’s didn’t have the best of luck when it came to cars. But they had always pulled through. Only this time Nathan hadn’t.

Lucas had moved in with for Haley a couple years after. He had only gotten a place of his own 6 months ago. Which, from what he had gotten from Haley had been about the time she had meet this new guy, this Dean Winchester.

“You trust him with Jamie?”

Haley stopped moving shaking her hands at her side to dispel some nervous energy before she looked Lucas in the eyes hers bright and unwavering “Yes, I do. I trust him with Jamie. He loves him Lucas, you should see how much he loves him.” Haley smiled that smile turning into a laugh “And he loves me, but for some reason that doesn’t mean as much as him loving my son.”

Lucas returned the smile moving forward to wrap his arms around her shoulders “Okay, but still,” he drew back “you should have told me at least, I’ve been worried about you.”

“I know,” she squeezed his hand “and that’s sweet Luke but this thing with Dean, it’s been so crazy and new. I just wanted to have it to myself for awhile.” She shook her head her dark shirt hair moving with the movement “and honestly, he didn’t mind. He just wants to make me happy. He’s a good guy.”

“What does he do?” Lucas believed her but he had to ask, he had to know this guy was as good as Haley thought he was. This was his best friend and nephew he had to worry about.

Haley rolled her eyes moving back to make sure the front room was cleared of her four year old son’s toys “He’s a mechanic,” she gave him a pointed looks “and he has this gorgeous 1967 Chevy Impala that he completely restored.” Spotting some papers she had left scattered on the table she began to gather them up telling Lucas before he could ask “his father died a few years back and his younger brother goes to the local college, studying to become a lawyer.” She straightened the papers and put them back on the table turning to Lucas.

“Growing up wasn’t exactly easy for him, he lost his mom when he was Jamie’s age and his dad dragged him and his brother all over the country. They lived on the road for years. This is the first time he’s settled down but he’s here to stay.” She came to stand beside her best friend her voice honest “He has secrets too, he has scars, and he’s had to do some pretty messed up things in his life.” She smiled “But he loves me and he loves Jamie.”

Lucas sighed shaking his head knowing Haley had made up her mind. It had taken over 3 years but she was moving on and Lucas wanted her too, most importantly he would let her. “Okay, when do I get to meet this dream guy of yours?”

Haley glanced up at the clock on the wall grinning excitedly “Actually any second now, he’s picking Jamie up from preschool.”

fanart, pairing: dean/haley, fandom: supernatural, requested fic, type: crossover, fic, fandom: one tree hill

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