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OOC Information
Messenger Names:
In Character Information
Age: If it’s not known, make an estimate.
Alignment: Good? Evil? Middle of the road?
Species: Human? Slayer? Vampire? Shapeshifter? Etc.
Personality: We want to know how your
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OOC Information
Name: Bridget
Email: koijamas@aol.com
Messenger Names: koijamas
Age: 24
In Character Information
Name: William Thomas Compton
Age: It isn’t known, but if he was about thirty when he was changed in 1867 then he would be about 172 years of age.
Alignment: Bill would consider himself good, but some might say he straddles the fence for little things he has done.
Species: Vampire
Personality: Bill is generally a good and moral guy, only bending his morals when the life of somebody he cares about is at stake. As a human he served in the 28th Louisiana Infantry in the Civil war fighting for the Confederacy. Fighting in the war established him as a patriot and, though he doesn’t like to think about the war, he knows that it made him a stronger, maybe scarred, individual.
He was truly tested the night he was made into a vampire. Starving, Bill stumbled upon the home of a vampire one night on his way home from the war to the family he loved. The woman took him in. Impressed by his chivalrous nature she turned him into a vampire. It broke his heart to have to sever ties with his mortal family and he became just a little colder in personality.
There is a bit of Bill inside him that does not like what he has become and, feeling that way, Bill is a little withdrawn and aloof. It’s only lately, after meeting Sookie, that he sees himself as a person and not just a monster. Bill is a true southern gentleman in spite of the inhuman attributes he possesses.
Skills & Powers: As a vampire, Bill has heightened senses and physical strength. He can hear a person who stands at a distance or in another room as clearly as if he was standing right next to that person. Like a lot of the vampires out there, Bill has the ability to ‘glamour’ an average person. Basically this means that he can hypnotize them and sometimes even wipe a memory from the person’s mind.
Writing Sample
Please write this part in paragraph form, third person, past tense. This is the only style played in our game. We ask that this be a minimum of two paragraphs to really capture the way you write, but please don't hesitate to write more!
Bill Compton sat all alone inside his shabby, beat-up antebellum home, just him and a bottle of tepid O-Negative TruBlood. It was a lonely night, but, then again, when wasn’t it lonely? He had been an island ever since he abandoned life lived in nests of vampires. His morals had clashed with those he’d lived with for short periods of time. To be alone was easier in some ways, but also difficult in ways that were difficult to articulate.
It was hard to ignore the nagging loneliness, but he tried to focus on other things. Like the bitter and metallic sustenance that was supposed to replace blood, his home that had gone to rack and ruin... He couldn’t find too many positive, uplifting things to focus on so he was left to think of how time ate away at a person, him, in this case, just like the waters of a river ate away at the banks on its sides. He took a long drink of TruBlood and shook his head.
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