The smile that founds its away across Eric's lips, couldn't be helped, as some of the tension between his shoulders eased. It was obvious that he'd caught Buffy off guard, something that he'd hopped for and was the reason why he remained in back instead of perched on his throne for everyone to see. He'd heard the rumours that she was attracted to vampires and it was clear that there was truth in them. So what if they just happened to be vampires who had souls? Eric could have a soul if he wanted, he just didn't want one. But he could act like he had one. If it benefited him, of course.
"Straight to the point, I like that." He grinned openly now, showing of his perfect white, normal, teeth. "The vampire I sent you was sentenced to die anyway, you just saved me from having to do it myself."
He shot a look at Pam, who was standing quietly (amazingly enough) off to the side near the wall across from Buffy. She gracefully pushed herself away from the wall and produced a piece of paper with a list of names scribbled on it, from somewhere behind her. She walked the few feet over to where Buffy stood and handed her the paper, before going back to her original position leaning against the wall.
"It's a list of vampires who also are scheduled to die," Eric said before Buffy could ask. "Since we came out of the coffin, it's become illegal for you to hunt us. However, if you were given permission, then there wouldn't be a problem." He stood from his seat and walked around to the front of the desk, and leaned against it. "I want you to work for me. You'll get to kill and I won't have to do the dirty work. We'll pay you of course. Generously. It's an offer you won't get anywhere else."
Buffy stood quietly as Eric grinned at her from behind his desk. Well, this was all a little unsettling. She was well versed in traps, having fallen for too many in her life, but this, surprisingly enough, seemed legitimate, even if she was locked away in an office with two very old and probably hungry vampires. But, they also seemed like official businessmen (and woman), who knew the value of her powers and skills.
She took the paper from the female vampire, scanning over the list of names, as Eric explained what they were. Frankly, this was all surprising. Most vampires didn't condone offing other vampires, except Angel and Spike, but that was different. So, someone offering to pay her to slay? She had a feeling her brows were contorting in a bit of confusion as she mulled this over. Her friends had always joked about victims paying her for saving them, but never thought she'd get the chance to make money for slaying vampires.
She had to admit, it was a great offer, but Eric could also be sending her to her doom. What if he was alerting all these vampires she was coming to get them? "You're right about that," she said, finally looking up from the paper and up into his eyes. She had heard about vampires newfound 'glamor' trick, but was quite skilled in resisting it. Hey, if she could resist Dracula's thrall, she could resist anyone.
"So, let me get this straight," she began, "You're going to pay me to kill off your cronies?" She paused, before she took a breath to continue, "How do I know you're not setting me up and this is all some great plan to finally take me out?" Vampires knew she couldn't hunt them anymore, but that in no way meant they wouldn't want to take her out, once and for all.
Eric couldn't help the smile that spread across his lips. But just as quickly as it came, it went and he was completely serious again. Truth be told, he was greatly amused by the slayer. After all, it was well known that she had a thing for vampire and yet it was her destiny to kill them. Ironic and intriging to say the least. But this was business and he needed to be all about business tonight. His personal feelings could wait until later.
"If I wanted you dead, you wouldn't be standing here right now." He said, simple as that.
Turning his attention toward Pam, he said in Swedish, "öppna dörren, är hon fri att gå" (Open the door, she is free to go). The shock of his words, were clear on her face, but so was his seriousness and after a few moments of staring at her Sheriff, she nodded and did as she was told.
Once the door was open, he turned back to Buffy. "Accept my offer and work for me. Or decline and leave peacefully. Either way, I promise no harm will come to you or your people while you're in my territory. The choice is yours."
If Eric had any breath, he would've held it as he waited Buffy's answer. It was a gamble, offering to let her go and he knew that. But he also knew that if he played "nice", there was a greater chance she would be more cooperative and accept his offer. Now it was a waiting game and he was prepared to wait. After all, he had the time.
Lips pursed, Buffy stared at Eric. Although she was taking in the (extremely pleasant) sight of him, she was all thinking, thinking, and thinking some more. She had a feeling that though his words may not be completely true--she could put up a hell of fight, just ask Mr Pointy--there probably would have been much more action and much less words had his intent been any different. It was so strange for her to be having a reasonable discussion with a vampire; usually it was intense love-related drama or just plain bam, boom, poof.
And vampire protection? Hell, that would be nice. Not that she needed protection, of course, she reminded herself quickly. But, with the majority of the world wanting her and her friends dead, some extra help--and extra money--would definitely be appreciated. Plus, Buffy worried what would happen to her friends whenever she wasn't around, despite Willow's super mega awesome witchy powers.
So, really, what could it hurt to try this out? And if they weren't true to their words, well, she was still the Slayer.
"All right, I'm game," she said, glancing at the list of names once more before returning her gaze to the ancient vampire, "But, only if what you've said is totally and completely owned up to. Money, protection, all that good stuff. If not, well, I'm sure we all know how that will end." With one of them dead, preferably them, she thought.
Folding up the paper and stuffing it into her leather coat, she said, "So, who do you want offed first and where can I find them? It's still early." Okay, it really had been a long time since she did some good old fashioned slaying and she was eager to get with it, which now included a cash bonus.
It was at that opportune time that Bill arrived with Sookie in tow and managed to catch the end of Eric and Buffy's conversation.
When Eric had come to him days earlier, Bill had no idea what his intentions were, even though he suspected they weren't of the good. But now he knew and Sheriff or not, Eric was selling out his own kind to the Slayer and that was something Bill could not stand for.
Even though it was going to get him possibly killed, seriously injured at least, he had to speak against his sheriff. Bill straightened his stance and took a step in front of Sookie, hoping to shield her from whatever might happen after he spoke his mind.
"Eric, you can't be serious. You're betraying your own kind to The Slayer? What is the matter with you?"
Had he been a lesser vampire, or sheriff, there's no doubt that Eric's fangs would've dropped and he would've taken serious offense to being called out the way Bill had just done to him. Even though he was offended, and pissed off, he was unfortunately getting used to Bill challenging his decisions. Ever since his met his human it'd been happening more and more. But that was another problem for another time.
Biting back his anger, mostly to keep an appearance in front of Buffy, Eric spoke with a casual, yet authoritative tone.
"As Sheriff it is my right to choose someone to kill for me and I've made my choice. I've chosen the Slayer. End of conversation."
He could tell that Bill was going to challenge him again, but he continued speaking before the lesser vampire had the chance. "Those vampires on that list were found guilty of serious crimes against our kind and were sentenced to death. Either by the hand of the Slayer, my hand or another of my vampires, they're going to die either way."
Silently, he added "and I get the Slayer where I can keep an eye on her."
Bill opened his mouth to argue again, but closed it in the end. Eric was right, like it or not. Once a vampire was found guilty and sentenced to death, there was no stopping it. There was no point in arguing, but for some reason, that didn't stop Bill from wanting to.
"Fine." He nodded. There was nothing else he could say. "I apologize for challenging your authority."
Bill almost added "it will not happen again", but didn't He had the sinking feeling that Eric would do something that he didn't approve of. What did that say about him? That he was so distrusting of his sheriff?
Years ago, Eric or any other sheriff he'd lived under could do the most heinous thing and Bill would just stand by and bite his tongue. And now? Now everything that seemed immoral, he spoke up about. No doubt Eric would say that being around Sookie had made Bill weak, but Bill didn't think so. Being around Sookie had awakened something inside him that he thought was long dead. His humanity.
Before Eric could answer her, another guy, who she assumed was also a vampire, though lesser by the way he seemed to prostrate himself in front of Eric, followed by a young blonde woman came parading into the office. Guess this Sheriff guy needed some better security, Buffy assumed.
She heard the other man's incredulity at her and Eric's teaming up, well, if you could call it that, and felt an urge to reach for a special pointy friend in her jacket. She would be glad to start with this guy if he was not a fan of her "work."
"Want me to start with him?" she asked Eric, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She saw that the blonde woman, though obviously not a wuss, even if this other vampire was protecting her, didn't seem to be too keen on that idea.
But, the two "men" quickly resumed their business-like conversation, the lesser vamp apologizing. He practically could have gotten down on both knees for that one. She was actually surprised when he didn't.
"Don't worry," she said, "I'm not allowed to just kill vamps all willy nilly anymore, which really sucks...But, I'm all for killing off the ones breaking the law, human or vampire."
She was quickly learning there was much more to vampires than just the blood sucking...and great sex, which she quickly ignored in her brain. There was a whole batch of laws and rules and politics that she didn't really get, but she would probably learn more now; now that she was working for the vampire "sheriff" of this area.
Sookie had been completely against going to this vampire bar. She had no desire to meet some higher-up vampire who thought he could push Bill around. But, Bill had promised to make it a nice evening, so she had dressed up, worn some cute sandals, did her make-up, hair, the whole nine yards. Of course, when they got to Fantasia, she realized she stood out bigger than a sore thumb.
Not that she had long to process this information or the totally gross fangbanger thoughts she was reading from all non-vamp brains in the place. She was almost grateful when Bill dragged her off to some back-room, where she could concentrate on something other than people's hormones.
When they entered the little office, she saw a big hunk of a blonde vampire standing in front of a desk and in front of him was a small blonde chick, human, but not just a normal one, from the signs of her brain 'waves'. From the end of their conversation and the immediate anger of Bill, she guessed and then was confirmed by their words that this woman was hired by Eric to kill vampires.
Sookie was still learning about the world of vampires, having gotten close to Bill only very recently. She couldn't read Eric, but she could read the woman's thoughts before she said them, but spoke right after, "You're not going to hurt him," she said, though Bill was in front of her as a form of protection. Yeah, that sounded real convincing, Sook.
As Bill and Eric seemed to reach some sort of understanding, she took the time to delve a little deeper into the only brain she could read in the room. Apparently "Buffy"--what a weird name--thought the whole thing was completely bizarre, but she liked spending time with vampires, apparently in a similar way that she, herself, enjoyed. She could practically feel Buffy's lusty feelings from there. But, the woman killed vampires and it was sort of a job to her. Interesting. Sookie wondered if this was one of those terrorist 'slayer' women she kept hearing about on the news. And now that she thought of it, the name sounded familiar.
Had the situation been less tense, he would've found it amusing and cute that Sookie would stand up for him. At the moment, it was just plain foolish.
"I apologize for her outburst." He said, wrapping his arm a little firmer around Sookie's waist. This time, it was more to hold her back, than to protect her.
"Straight to the point, I like that." He grinned openly now, showing of his perfect white, normal, teeth. "The vampire I sent you was sentenced to die anyway, you just saved me from having to do it myself."
He shot a look at Pam, who was standing quietly (amazingly enough) off to the side near the wall across from Buffy. She gracefully pushed herself away from the wall and produced a piece of paper with a list of names scribbled on it, from somewhere behind her. She walked the few feet over to where Buffy stood and handed her the paper, before going back to her original position leaning against the wall.
"It's a list of vampires who also are scheduled to die," Eric said before Buffy could ask. "Since we came out of the coffin, it's become illegal for you to hunt us. However, if you were given permission, then there wouldn't be a problem." He stood from his seat and walked around to the front of the desk, and leaned against it. "I want you to work for me. You'll get to kill and I won't have to do the dirty work. We'll pay you of course. Generously. It's an offer you won't get anywhere else."
She took the paper from the female vampire, scanning over the list of names, as Eric explained what they were. Frankly, this was all surprising. Most vampires didn't condone offing other vampires, except Angel and Spike, but that was different. So, someone offering to pay her to slay? She had a feeling her brows were contorting in a bit of confusion as she mulled this over. Her friends had always joked about victims paying her for saving them, but never thought she'd get the chance to make money for slaying vampires.
She had to admit, it was a great offer, but Eric could also be sending her to her doom. What if he was alerting all these vampires she was coming to get them? "You're right about that," she said, finally looking up from the paper and up into his eyes. She had heard about vampires newfound 'glamor' trick, but was quite skilled in resisting it. Hey, if she could resist Dracula's thrall, she could resist anyone.
"So, let me get this straight," she began, "You're going to pay me to kill off your cronies?" She paused, before she took a breath to continue, "How do I know you're not setting me up and this is all some great plan to finally take me out?" Vampires knew she couldn't hunt them anymore, but that in no way meant they wouldn't want to take her out, once and for all.
"If I wanted you dead, you wouldn't be standing here right now." He said, simple as that.
Turning his attention toward Pam, he said in Swedish, "öppna dörren, är hon fri att gå" (Open the door, she is free to go). The shock of his words, were clear on her face, but so was his seriousness and after a few moments of staring at her Sheriff, she nodded and did as she was told.
Once the door was open, he turned back to Buffy. "Accept my offer and work for me. Or decline and leave peacefully. Either way, I promise no harm will come to you or your people while you're in my territory. The choice is yours."
If Eric had any breath, he would've held it as he waited Buffy's answer. It was a gamble, offering to let her go and he knew that. But he also knew that if he played "nice", there was a greater chance she would be more cooperative and accept his offer. Now it was a waiting game and he was prepared to wait. After all, he had the time.
And vampire protection? Hell, that would be nice. Not that she needed protection, of course, she reminded herself quickly. But, with the majority of the world wanting her and her friends dead, some extra help--and extra money--would definitely be appreciated. Plus, Buffy worried what would happen to her friends whenever she wasn't around, despite Willow's super mega awesome witchy powers.
So, really, what could it hurt to try this out? And if they weren't true to their words, well, she was still the Slayer.
"All right, I'm game," she said, glancing at the list of names once more before returning her gaze to the ancient vampire, "But, only if what you've said is totally and completely owned up to. Money, protection, all that good stuff. If not, well, I'm sure we all know how that will end." With one of them dead, preferably them, she thought.
Folding up the paper and stuffing it into her leather coat, she said, "So, who do you want offed first and where can I find them? It's still early." Okay, it really had been a long time since she did some good old fashioned slaying and she was eager to get with it, which now included a cash bonus.
When Eric had come to him days earlier, Bill had no idea what his intentions were, even though he suspected they weren't of the good. But now he knew and Sheriff or not, Eric was selling out his own kind to the Slayer and that was something Bill could not stand for.
Even though it was going to get him possibly killed, seriously injured at least, he had to speak against his sheriff. Bill straightened his stance and took a step in front of Sookie, hoping to shield her from whatever might happen after he spoke his mind.
"Eric, you can't be serious. You're betraying your own kind to The Slayer? What is the matter with you?"
Biting back his anger, mostly to keep an appearance in front of Buffy, Eric spoke with a casual, yet authoritative tone.
"As Sheriff it is my right to choose someone to kill for me and I've made my choice. I've chosen the Slayer. End of conversation."
He could tell that Bill was going to challenge him again, but he continued speaking before the lesser vampire had the chance. "Those vampires on that list were found guilty of serious crimes against our kind and were sentenced to death. Either by the hand of the Slayer, my hand or another of my vampires, they're going to die either way."
Silently, he added "and I get the Slayer where I can keep an eye on her."
"Fine." He nodded. There was nothing else he could say. "I apologize for challenging your authority."
Bill almost added "it will not happen again", but didn't He had the sinking feeling that Eric would do something that he didn't approve of. What did that say about him? That he was so distrusting of his sheriff?
Years ago, Eric or any other sheriff he'd lived under could do the most heinous thing and Bill would just stand by and bite his tongue. And now? Now everything that seemed immoral, he spoke up about. No doubt Eric would say that being around Sookie had made Bill weak, but Bill didn't think so. Being around Sookie had awakened something inside him that he thought was long dead. His humanity.
She heard the other man's incredulity at her and Eric's teaming up, well, if you could call it that, and felt an urge to reach for a special pointy friend in her jacket. She would be glad to start with this guy if he was not a fan of her "work."
"Want me to start with him?" she asked Eric, a playful smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. She saw that the blonde woman, though obviously not a wuss, even if this other vampire was protecting her, didn't seem to be too keen on that idea.
But, the two "men" quickly resumed their business-like conversation, the lesser vamp apologizing. He practically could have gotten down on both knees for that one. She was actually surprised when he didn't.
"Don't worry," she said, "I'm not allowed to just kill vamps all willy nilly anymore, which really sucks...But, I'm all for killing off the ones breaking the law, human or vampire."
She was quickly learning there was much more to vampires than just the blood sucking...and great sex, which she quickly ignored in her brain. There was a whole batch of laws and rules and politics that she didn't really get, but she would probably learn more now; now that she was working for the vampire "sheriff" of this area.
Not that she had long to process this information or the totally gross fangbanger thoughts she was reading from all non-vamp brains in the place. She was almost grateful when Bill dragged her off to some back-room, where she could concentrate on something other than people's hormones.
When they entered the little office, she saw a big hunk of a blonde vampire standing in front of a desk and in front of him was a small blonde chick, human, but not just a normal one, from the signs of her brain 'waves'. From the end of their conversation and the immediate anger of Bill, she guessed and then was confirmed by their words that this woman was hired by Eric to kill vampires.
Sookie was still learning about the world of vampires, having gotten close to Bill only very recently. She couldn't read Eric, but she could read the woman's thoughts before she said them, but spoke right after, "You're not going to hurt him," she said, though Bill was in front of her as a form of protection. Yeah, that sounded real convincing, Sook.
As Bill and Eric seemed to reach some sort of understanding, she took the time to delve a little deeper into the only brain she could read in the room. Apparently "Buffy"--what a weird name--thought the whole thing was completely bizarre, but she liked spending time with vampires, apparently in a similar way that she, herself, enjoyed. She could practically feel Buffy's lusty feelings from there. But, the woman killed vampires and it was sort of a job to her. Interesting. Sookie wondered if this was one of those terrorist 'slayer' women she kept hearing about on the news. And now that she thought of it, the name sounded familiar.
Had the situation been less tense, he would've found it amusing and cute that Sookie would stand up for him. At the moment, it was just plain foolish.
"I apologize for her outburst." He said, wrapping his arm a little firmer around Sookie's waist. This time, it was more to hold her back, than to protect her.
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