Who: Sora and Axel
What: Battle over the right to nicknames!
When: After
thisWhere: Outside courtyard
Rating: PG?
Sora rubbed his hands together, trying to bring warmth back into his bare fingertips. As much as he liked his fingerless gloves, they really didn't do much against the cold snow. He had thought about changing his gloves before coming outside to the courtyard, but he had decided against it. These gloves were good for fighting, and he had the sense that someone had made these gloves and his outfit especially for him. Even if he couldn't remember them, he didn't want to be mean by disgarding them for any gloves his closet seem to magically produce.
Well, at least the closet had given him a nice scarf, otherwise he would be a lot colder out here. It amazed him how soft and wooly the yellow scarf was.
Humming to himself to, he continued to pat down the snow on the crude snowman he had been building. Growing up on a tropical island had its disadvantages, this was the first time he had ever had the chance to build one. In fact, after talking to Lae (or was it Axel?), Sora decided to get out here as soon as possible so he could try to make one.
Speaking of the guy, he looked around to check to see if he could see him coming yet. He was looking foreward to testing his strength against Lae. The guy said he could fight, and Sora hoped that was true (he was starting to wonder if anyone could fight here). Not to mention, either this guy or his nobody were part of the Organization. Which meant the fight could be a tough one, and Sora wanted the challenge.