(no subject)

Aug 06, 2004 00:07

harold and kumar go to white castle is one of the most brilliant films i have EVER had the pleasure of viewing.

pure genius.
i went with erica tonight to see it at, like, 9:50 - the latest i have EVER been to a movie in maine.
what else what else

story time:
rebecca goes to new hampshire
so yesterday i wetn to wolfeboro, new hampshire to spend the night at my friend nicole's house because there was an OAR show there and because i wanted to see her. so i drove up to her house around 2ish.
but hahahah funny story. so i was on route 28 going to her house and i was going 70 in a 55 mph zone because it was likea flat stretch of NOTHING.
so. OF COURSE this cop is driving in the OPPOSITE direction, he TURNS AROUND and pulls me over. while he is doing this i am devouring a chocolate covered rice krispee treat which has been BAKING in my shotgun seat for the past hour so i am COVERED in chocolate, my face, my tshirt [actually rachel's tshirt] and all over my hands. so i go to give him my liscence and registration and both are COVERED in chocolate.
and he takes out those antibacterial like bleach wipes and wipes off my liscence and he got SO confused
"so, ma'am, you have a washington liscence, and you're driving a maine car IN new hampshire".
" yea see i'm from dc, i'm driving my dad's car and he lives in maine and i'm visiting my friend in new hampshire"
"hmmmmm....i think i see..."
then like 10 minutes later he comes back with my liscence and registration and a "warning".
this is about the 4th time i've been stopped for speeding since in the new england area and i've only been given warnings
it pays off to be this cute =)
so mattnathanson, howieday and OAR was so AWESOME
except poor nh kids
they don't get out enough
you would've thought you were at a korn concert the way they were moshing and crowd surfing
and ummmmmm
smoking up.
nicole's little cousin goes:"nicole, what is that? incense?"
haahahha it was great
when ppl were holding up lighters, other ppl were holding up joints.
but OAR rocked.
like they were INCREDIBLE
a little dmb wannabe ish but pretty solid none the less.
every band sounded MUCH better than when i saw them before
mattnathanson's band ROCKED.
so much better than the fairfax fair.
nicole had to go to fieldhockey camp today so i came home early
and babysat all day until
harold and kumar go to white castle
and with this lovely update i leave you with some awesome pictures c/o rebeccalee:

fun night at the beach

enough rebeccarebecca pictures already!

xoxo rebecca
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