i took this from brandi

Jan 04, 2006 19:09

Name: Chris Hundley
Screen name: stateofncvschris
Hometown: lewisville
Birth date: feburary 21, 1989

2005 *In The Beginning...*
Where did you ring in the New Year? megs.
Who were you with? meg, her friends.
Did you kiss anyone at midnight? no
Did you make any resolutions? no
If so did you keep them? i dont know

2005 Friends and Enemies...
Did you meet any new friends this year? yeah, a lot
Did any of your friendships end? yeah, a lot
Did you dislike anyone? yeah
Did you get into any fights? yeah
Did you make any new enemies? possibley
Did you resolve any fights? a few
Who was your closest friend? i didn't really have many friends

2005....The Holidays!
Did you have a Valentine? yeah, i did
Did the Easter bunny visit you? maybe
Did you watch fireworks on the 4th of July? yeah, at the square, and kevin was on acid.
Did you dress up for Halloween? no
What did you do for Thanksgiving? this past thanksgiving i went to dinner with julie. it was cute.
Did you make a list of gifts for the holidays? not really
Did you receive what you wanted? yeah
Were you good this holiday season? yeah

2005 Your BIRTHDAY!!!
Did you have a cake? i dont think
What did you do for your birthday? uhm actually, meg broke up with me on my birthday hahaha
Did you have a party? no
Did you get any presents? a few

2005... The Memories and Accomplishments!
Funniest Memory? too many.
Saddest Memory? i shut those out of my mind.
Most Embarassing Memory? chrishundley doesn't get embarassed
Best Accomplishment? ending it

Favorite TV shows? idk
Favorite songs? too many
Favorite bands? gay ones
Favorite food? any
Favorite stores? eh
Favorite restaurants? eh
Favorite piece of clothing? those faggot pants with all the holes in them that sierra put on with no underwear on and then beans and stephen ripped them off of me in the bojangles parking lot. that was amazing. i miss sleepovers.

2005...All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? a lot
Did you dye your hair? too many times
Did you get your hair cut? a lot
Did you change your style? yeah, that was a dumb thing to do haha
Were you in school? yeah
Did you have a job? no
Did you drive? i shouldve
Did you own a car? nope
Did you lose anyone this year? like, did anyone die? no.
Did anyone close to you give birth? maybe
Did you move at all? i was gonna
Did you go on any vacations? no, i haven't been to the beach in forever.
Did you leave the country at all? no
Would you change anything about yourself now? things happen, no use in wasting time wishing they didn't, they'll only teach you.

2005.....Wrap Up
Was 2005 a good year? not so much.
Do you have any regrets? i second what i just said "things happen, no use in wasting time wishing they didn't."
Did 2005 bring any new insights? i guess
Do you think 2006 will top 2005? it already has.
Do you have any goals for 2006? yeah, a few, i dont wanna say them
If you could relive any moment which would you choose? none.
If you could forget any moment what would it be? i already shut that out of my mind
Do you wish 2005 wouldn't end? no way, im so glad to start a new year.
Did you do anything special for NYE? show parties breakthings[notreallyiwishididthough].
Did you kiss anyone at Midnight? Yes i did.
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