(no subject)

Aug 17, 2005 13:29

1xFirst grade teacher's name: Mrs. Adams

2x Last word you said: off

3x Last song you sang: ummm... sugar we're going down

4x Last person you hugged: steve

5x Last thing you laughed at: my brother

6x Last time you said I dont remember: like 10 minutes ago

7x Last time you cried: yesterday


9x What color socks are you wearing: white

10x What's under your bed: a bunch of crap

11x What time did you wake up today: 7 cuz i slept late

12x Current taste: nothing but spit

13x Current hair: in a pony tail cuz its hot out

15x Current annoyance: dont have one at the moment

16x Current longing: to do somthin cuz i have sat inside most of the day

17x Current desktop background: soap bubbles but is soon to change

18x Current worry: there are a few of those

19x Current hate: i dont hate very many things

20x Current favorite article of clothing: dont have a favorite just as long as i am clothed

21x Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: eyes

22x Last CD that you listened to: unfortantly it was brittany spears thanx to an 8 year old

23x Favorite place to be: wouldnt u like to no

24x Least favorite place: school or any other place i dont feel like being

25x Time you wake up in the morning: weekdays-530 weekend-wen ever i feel like it

26x If you could play an instrument, what would you play: guitar but since im kinda sorta learning how i guess the bass

27x Favorite color(s): green

28x Do you believe in an afterlife: not really

29x How tall are you: 5'4

30x Current favorite word/saying: all this teenage drams and hugs ont drugs

31x Favorite book: i like reading but i dont have a favorite book

32x Favorite season: winter

33x One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my grandpa or my grandma cuz they dies wen i was like one

35x Where do you want to go for college? I don’t know :\

36x What is your career going to be like: hopefuly a steady good one

37x How many kids do you want: er…2? iunno


39x Said "I love you" and meant it: yea

40x Worst feeling in the world: having someone mad at me

41x What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: wouldnt u like to no

42x How many rings before you answer: 3 or 4 i can never remember where i put that darn thing

43x Future daughter's name: i have no clue

44x Future son's name: same as above

45x Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: they are all over my bed but no i hug a pillow

46x If you could have any job you wanted: i am like the only person i no that dosnt have an answer for this ?

47xWho do you wish were there: anyone as long as they arent boring

48x College plans: go to college

49x Piercings: 2 in my lobes and one cartlidge


50x Do you do drugs: wen i am sick

51x Do you drink: yes i drink a lot of water

52x What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: wut ever my mom buys usualy panteen

53xWhat are you most scared of: SNAKES!

54x What clothes do you sleep in: usualy pant or short then a huge t shirt

55x Who is the last person that called you: lidsey i think

56x Where do you want to get married: i dont think THAT far ahead

57x If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: if u no me then u no there are a lot of things

58x Who do you really hate: i seriously dont hate anyone

59x Been In Love: yes

60x Are you timely or always late: late

61x Do you have a job: no...:-(

62x Do you like being around people: ypu sure do!

63x Best feeling in the world: being with the one i love

64x Are you for world peace: yea

65x Are you a health freak: ha thats a good one

66x Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: no not really

67x Do you want someone you don't have? nope i have who i want

68x Are you lonely right now: nope not really

69x Ever afraid you'll never get married: well there is always that posoblity and if it happend then it sux big fat monkey balls for me now dosnt it

70x Do you want to get married: yea i dont want to get all old and die alone

71x Do you want kids? Yes sir re


72x Cried: yes i told u yesterday

73x Bought Something: a movie ticket cuz i wouldnt let steve pay for it

74x Gotten Sick: no i havent been sick in a long time

75x Sang: yes this afternoon fall out boy

76x Said I Love You: uh huh

77x Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: yup

78x Met Someone: yes i have

79x Moved On: moved on from wut?

80x Talked To Someone: yup just got done

81x Had A Serious Talk: yup last night with my mommykins

82x Missed Someone: uh huh i miss lots of ppl

83x Hugged Someone: yup last night

84x Yelled at Someone: yes my bro and my mother
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