The second single from what is part of the larger project that has to do with some stuff with some graveyard footage, actors, poetry, fiction art and more...
The dreaded GOTHRONOMICON has been brought to us and is being translated by mute scribes and the content held therein tested by fearless and skilled mages, though a few have been lost between space... We have a tip on where to find the Gothrapocrypha and some info on what it will take to obtain it. We hope to get this process on film.
The plan with these singles is to release one or two songs at a time, with a lot of extras. This is part of the process of creating the next album. Those who collect the singles are helping fund operations. More than that, with the singles is a ton of exclusive material, including art, short stories, and videos, to mention a few. The more we can bring in, the more ambitious we can get with packaging, collaborative partners and more. The more you buy, share, stream on Spotify or wherever you like to get your music, play on your radio shows, podcasts and spin in clubs, the better what we create will be. If you do play our music on your show, podcast etc. let us know so we can spread your links around.
Keep an eye on this space and on
PANICMACHINE, for much is in store and updates should be coming early and often.
P. Emerson Williams
Head Necrofuturist,
Veil of Thorns
released 24 July 2012
P. Emerson Williams - Vox, Bass
Ferenc Teglas - Piano, Digital Armatures
Aidan McGoran - Guitars