Skrewed, Witch-Brewed and K■nf▼zed

May 29, 2011 12:29

Skrewed, Witch-Brewed and K■nf▼zed by P. Emerson Williams
It is somehow fitting that on the day that has been declared to be the Rapture I'm sitting here contemplating things okkvlt, foreboding and forbidden. A sound has been developing for a few years now hidden behind a lexical darknet. For those late to the Witch House party, that's ok. This has just barely begun. What we're talking about is a take on Goth distorted and distended by a filtration through Electronic Voice Phenomena, hauntology and codeine drenched hip hop grooves. With artists with names like †‡†, Gr†LLGR†LL , I††, ▼□■□■□■(pronounced Star - part of being an insider is knowing the ordionary names behind the symbols...) ///▲▲▲\\\(or VOID), - a dark strain of music formed entirely outside the Goth mileu is creating fanatics of the dark for a new generation.

Read the rest of the article at Domninion Mag.

dominion mag, okkvlt, witch house, ghost drone, grave wave

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