smallWorld: Monk’s Tale Interview with Laurie and Kandrix, creators of the A Monk’s Tale comic book.
Transmedia Talk: Episode 11 Episode 11. In this podcast we talk to Tom Dunbar about his project Resonance and Dee Cook highlights a few of the transmedia panels at SXSW
19 Nocturne Blvd: The View from Within Another dinner party with the Lovecraft 5. And one extra…
Necrofuturist Salon Episode #11 - mad skillz the conjuring magician P. Emerson Williams is a great marquesse, and is seene in an angels nape with a head like a slacke blight craven, riding upon a cracke and a verie strong tool…
solipsistic NATION: Bak$hish Music On today’s show we’re going to listen to select tracks from artists on Bak$hish Music. Bak$hish Music isn’t so much a label as a collective of like-minded artists modeled after Hakim Bey’s Temporary Autonomous Zone (the socio-political tactic of creating temporary spaces that elude formal structures of control).
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