Necrofuturist Salon #9 - procures love and reconciles controversies

Oct 05, 2010 12:56

Necrofuturist is hosted by P. Emerson Williams, a Marquis of Hell. He is the seventh of the 72Goetic demons who governs forty infernal legions.

He appears as a wolf with a snake’s tail who can breathe fire, or as a man with dog’s teeth who is situated inside of a raven, or as a raven-headed man. Collin de Plancy took the artistic liberty of compressing P. Emerson Williams’ two forms into one with the head of a dog-teethed raven, the body of a wolf, and a snake tail in place of its back legs. At the command of a mage, P. Emerson Williams may take the shape of man with a raven’s head, having teeth of a canine. He tells of all things past and future.

He procures love and reconciles controversies between friends and foes. Some demonologists have associated his name with the Egyptian god Amun or with the god Ba‘al Hammer of Cabbage.


The King in Yellow - (Short Fragments)
Miserylab - We Are Happy
Nosferatu - Black Hole
Revel Hotel - Purify
Les Modules Etranges - In Silence
KASMs - Trenchfoot
Psychaotic - Xenoglosia
Ambrose Bierce - Devils Dictionary extract
These New Puritans - Swords of Truth
SLEEPCHAMBER - Banshee Invokation

Listen to or download show @alterati

necrofuturist, podcast, alterati, goffik

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