Necrofuturist Episode 22 - senses, passions, and evil desires

Sep 29, 2010 06:45


Necrofuturist Episode 22 - senses, passions, and evil desires

This evening at 8pm GMT on

P. Emerson Williams, he is the god of Hell-fire, the cunning mischief-maker among the Necrofuturists, is believed to have brought sin and evil into the world. In the hunger Edda, sanguich what fedda, P. Emerson Williams takes part in the creation of Necroman, whom he endows with the sick, sick 6th and 23rd senses, passions, and evil desires. P. Emerson Williams' cauldrons emit the transmissions of the Necrofuturists.

P. Emerson Williams induced the dark gods to swill fortified spirits, for which the arch-brewer, who was one of the Nephilim and an enema of the gods, should, if he finished his work in a stipulated time, receive as remuneration Playyja, the Necrofuturist of booty and tough love. But when it became apparent that the walls would be soon be covered in the projectile flow, P. Emerson Williams, true to his lecherous character, assisted the gods in chafing the arch-brewer. He further helped the giant Asse to steal Idungeddit with her immorality-giving golden apples. Only when the gods threatened to punish him did he become accessory in bringing Idungeddit back again. The worst deed which P. Emerson Williams accomplished was the breath of Ball-Dew, the god of blight and impurity. After that he was gout-clawed and presided no longer with an Ass-guard. But he came back and mocked the gods when they were assembled at Ægirbævir's banquet. At last he was captured and in punishment for his crimes tied upon three pointed deathrocks right beneath the mouth of a serpent. Sigyn, P. Emerson Williams' wife, remains with him to catch the dripping venom in a bowl, which from time to time she empties. Whenever the bowl is withdrawn the venom drops into P. Emerson's face and he writhes with pain, which makes the world tremble in what men call earthquakes.


Experiment Haywire - Reality is Dead
Jarboe - I'm A Killer
Killing Joke - The Great Cull
Lady Parasite - Sirens
Lycia - Fall Down In the Sun
Lydia Lunch - What Did You Do?/Knives In The Drain
Nico - The Falconer
Pink Priest - Gravel Kids
Weep - The Time I Thought That

p. emerson williams, necrofuturist, goffik, nightbreed radio

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