www.innerxmusick.com Help me spread the word. The Inner-X-Musick web page is now open. INNER-X-MUSICK RECORDINGS are back. The web page features a current catalog, as well as Inner-X-Musick news! Expect a various artists release by summers end, lyric booklets... and more! Add a link to the page EVERYWHERE!!!!
www.innerxmusick.com And of course, if you have not visited The John Zewizz Appreciation Society do so at;
SLEEPCHAMBER.INFO And spend some time browsing around. There is a ton of information through the pages.!
Inside Innersleeve Records (early 1980’s)
“Welkum to the inside wonderland ov XxX… “
Inner-X Musick was a record label/mail order catalog run by Boston musician John Zewizz. Over the years Inner-X Musick has changed its name 3 times and released well over a hundred releases. At its high point (the mid 1980’s) Inner-X-Musick released musick by bands such as Sleep Chamber, Controlled Bleeding, Jonathan Briley, 7 From Life, Daze Of Trance, The Flagellents, Hideous In Strength, Women Of The SS, Cult Ov The Womb, Mahcanik, Dokument, Noizeclot, Hunting Lodge, Human Flesh, and PSI Field. But by the 1990’s Inner-X-Musick was the solely promoting Sleep Chamber musick, and usually shared the release with another label (the Italian label Musica Maxima Magnetica,the German label FünfUndVierzig, and Cleopatra Records out of L.A.)
Soon I shall be making a related announcement. There is a lot in store from Inner-X, Choronzon and Veil of Thorns.