Cirxus Sounds

May 20, 2009 09:30

I'm passing on TheeBradMiller's post verbatim. His is a bit different, disembodied fragments charged with a heavy current. Nothing can equal being present at the performance, so if it's at all possible for you to get to Cirxus at the Arcola Theatre in London, you should.

Said TBM:
Cirxus - FoolishPeople/P. Emerson Williams

This is a big post with a lot of information... So hang in there.

'Art on the Inside, Blood on the Outside'First things first, one of my favorite spots on the web is a web site called If you have not stopped by there, I highly recommend the re-education. There tag line says it all; "FoolishPeople create Weaponised Art, Ritual Theatre and Film. "

Which brings us to the second point... CIRXUS

Opening May 25th at Arcola Theatre in London. Cirxus is a production written and directed by John Harrigan.
1957- Seascale, the North of England. Cirxus is an old English circus lost in the shadows of the smoke stacks of Calder Hall, the world's first commercial nuclear power station. FoolishPeople will use mythology, shamanism, music and dance to bring the darkness of an atomic circus to life. The performance will allow audience members to step into the world of an old English circus lost in the 1950s, explore its sideshows and meet extraordinary characters from the past and future.

Athalia the ballerina waits in the ring for Loudon the Clown to return with directions to the Black Pool, the mythic site of the Home Sweet Home, the final show of the season. Join her as she begins a bizarre and wondrous search for Loudon through the irradiated secrets of Cirxus, where she must face the macabre atomic menagerie, haunted by circus animals and navigate her way through the maze of strange, hallucinogenic sideshows on the other side of time. Immerse yourself in the world of Cirxus, where theatric arcana and Atomic fallout irradiate the sawdust arenas of our inner worlds.
For those of you in the London area you can buy tickets HERE

Fortunately for us. This is a project that includes the incredible talents of P. Emerson Williams... he of Choronzon and Veil Of Thorns (Both part of the KILL YOUR GODZ website). He has created the soundscapes for the production and has offered his demented musings for us to enjoy. According to Mr. Williams
The music is a sonic and psionic evocation of the Godz of stasis, of Marduk and of the Atomic Age. The aural images and gradations and movements between frequencies were chosen and enhanced to plunge the listener into the Black Pool. ( )

You will not die, for by listening, you have undergone de-contamination. Now, only through the temporal space and psionic locality of Cirxus may you emerge from the Black Pool.
There really is no track listing, or track order... but the musick can be found HERE and HERE

theebradmiller, cirxus, sounds

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