So apparently all I ever do is make up my own AtS memes and make Cordy and/or C/A graphics. Not that I particularly mind, that is quality time usage after all.
This is what I've been doing on tumblr lately, and thought I'd share with LJ too, just because Cordelia Chase is a hero, and everyone needs to know about it.
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Cordelia Chase | Season 1 | BtVS
Cordelia: Hey! You think I'm never lonely because I'm so cute and popular? I can be surrounded by people and be completely alone. It's not like any of them really know me. I don't even know if they like me half the time. People just want to be in a popular zone. Sometimes when I talk, everyone's so busy agreeing with me, they don't hear a word I say.
Buffy: Well, if you feel so alone, then why do you work so hard at being popular?
Cordelia: Well, it beats being alone all by yourself.
Cordelia Chase | Season 2 | BtVS
Cordelia: You're really campaigning for bitch-of-the-year, aren't you?
Buffy: As defending champion, you nervous?
Cordelia: I can hold my own. You know, we've never really been close, which is nice 'cause I don't really like you that much, but you have on occasion saved the world and stuff, so I'm gonna do you a favor.
Buffy: And this great favor is?
Cordelia: I'm gonna give you some advice. Get over it.
Buffy: Excuse me?
Cordelia: Whatever is causing the Joan Collins 'tude, deal with it. Embrace the pain, spank your inner moppet, whatever, but get over it. 'Cause pretty soon you're not even gonna have the loser friends you've got now.
Cordelia Chase | Season 3 | BtVS
Lyle: I'm gonna -
Cordelia: Rip out my innards, play with my eyeballs, boil my brain and eat it for brunch? Listen up, needle-brain. Buffy and I have taken out four of your cronies, not to mention your girlfriend -
Lyle: WIFE!
Cordelia: Whatever. The point is, I haven't even broken a sweat. See, in the end, Buffy's just the runner-up. *I'm* the Queen. You get me mad, what do you think I'm gonna do to you?
Cordelia Chase | Season 1 | AtS
Cordelia: I'm not a sniveling, whiny, little cry-Buffy. I'm the nastiest girl in Sunnydale history. I take crap from no one.
Ghost of Dennis' Mom: You're gonna make yourself a noose -
Cordelia: Back off, Polygrip! You think you're bad? All mean and haunty? Picking on poor, pathetic Cordy. Well, get ready to haul your wrinkly, translucent ass out of this place, 'cause lady, the bitch is back.
Cordelia Chase | Season 2 | AtS
Cordelia Chase: Why is it always virgin women who have to do the sacrificing?
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce: For purity, I suppose.
Cordelia Chase: This has nothing to do with purity. This is all about dominance, buddy. You can bet if someone ordered a male body part for religious sacrifice, the world would be atheist [snaps fingers] like that.
Cordelia Chase | Season 3 | AtS
Cordelia: I have to find Billy.
Lilah Morgan: And I'm gonna help you, why?
Cordelia: You know that guy that you hired to hack into my visions? What he did to me? You know what it felt like? I was cut, torn up, my face disfigured, and burning with pain every second not knowing if it was going to end or just get worse till I died.
Lilah Morgan: So you think I owe you...
Cordelia: It's not the pain. It's the helplessness, the certainty that there is nothing you can do to stop it, that your life can be thrown away in an instant by someone else. He doesn't care. He'll beat you down till you stay down 'cause he doesn't even think of you as alive. No woman should ever have to go through that. And no woman strong enough to wear the mantle of "vicious bitch" would ever put up with it. Where is Billy going?
Cordelia Chase | Season 4 | AtS
Angel: All I know is that you are my dearest friend. And I hope that - I just - I want that back. That much, at least.
Cordelia: You have no idea how much this is killing me. I know my ABC's, my history, I know who's President, and that I sorta wish I didn't. I know the name of every shoe store in the Beverly Center, but I don't - I don't even recognize the sound of my own name.
Angel: We'll get you back. No matter what. I promise you, we will get you back.
Cordelia Chase | Season 5 | AtS
Angel: So all that stuff about the deals with the devil...
Cordelia: Was God's honest truth. But you're bigger than that. You'll win this in the end. I, uh... just wish I could be there to see it.
Angel: What do you mean? You're not...
Cordelia: I can't stay. This isn't me anymore. You can say good-bye to the gang for me, explain everything once you understand.
Angel: That's gonna be never. I need you here.
Cordelia: Don't make this hard, Angel. I'm just on a different road... and this is my off-ramp. The Powers That Be owed me one, and I didn't waste it. I got my guy back on track.
Angel: Cordy, there's just-
Cordelia: We take what we can get, champ, and we do our best with it. I'll be seeing you.
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