Title: Dude, You're Huge
Part: 11/?
Author: chordykins
Spoilers: entire of season two
Summary: Sam and Finn rekindle what they had before the party.
Pairing: Finn/Sam
Rating: NC-17
Words: 2,247
Finn sat through the entirety of Avatar, trying to understand what was happening, but mostly adoring the dorky smile that became permanently glued to Sam’s face throughout most of the film, until the blonde slouched onto Finn’s shoulder and fell asleep. He didn’t wake him; Finn simply observed Sam’s sleeping face. His larger than average mouth and the way it dangled open slightly as he slept, his blonde hair becoming dishevelled as the body cuddled against Finn. He could easily say that Sam was perfect, and he thought it often.
Once the movie had ended, Finn came to a dilemma of whether to wake Sam or just attempt to carry him to bed. Sam’s body practically covered half of Finn’s so moving wasn’t an option considering his lack of coordination. Slightly putting a hand on the boy’s shoulder, Finn gave him a gentle nudge, whispering his name a couple times before those beautiful green eyes opened slightly.
“Hey, buddy.” Finn kept his voice low. “You missed like half of the movie.”
Sam didn’t answer right away, shifting his position slightly with a groan, and looked up at Finn with a smile. With such a simple act, Sam had proved why Finn loved him.
“It’s okay; I’ve seen it so many times.” The blonde mumbled against Finn’s arm, nuzzling his head against the fabric of the shirt. “Can we go upstairs?” He asked, lifting his head to meet Finn’s.
“Sure.” Finn agreed, checking the clock to see it was only 8pm. They still had a lot of time to spend just together. “Are you still tired?” He asked, standing and helping Sam off the couch whilst entangling their fingers together.
“Nope.” Sam laughed. “I have something else in mind.”
Finn’s interest was peaked, grinning at the suggestion before pulling Sam back towards the couch and allowing himself to fall backwards, forcing Sam to lie on top of him. Their lips mashed together, Finn prodding at Sam’s with his tongue until he was given access. His hands travelled straight to Sam’s plump ass, allowing his large hands to take over it and pulling their crotches closer together.
Sam’s fingers were fumbling with Finn’s shirt, ripping off a couple buttons in his eagerness to see skin and once he found it, he ran his warm hands over the slight pecks, letting his fingers brush past Finn’s nipples a couple times. Making quick work of the belt and jeans, Sam pulled away to remove the fabric and leaving Finn in just his boxers.
The taller boy watched as Sam removed his clothes, then starting to take off his own, throwing them almost anywhere until they were both left in their underwear - reconnecting their lips almost instantly after. Carefully switching places with Sam, placing himself in between the boys open thighs, Finn observed the excitement in his eyes once he pulled his boxers down to release the hard dick, Sam could barely control himself.
“Finn we need lube, there’s some in my bag over there.” Sam spoke in between heavy breaths, almost making grabby hands as Finn’s member was taken from view, watching the boy bend over and retrieve the lube and pulling down his own underwear and tossing them onto the floor - lightly stroking himself as Finn watched in awe. “Hurry up, I need you.”
At the begging Finn spread Sam’s legs a little wider, allowing one to dangle off of the sofa so he could get a clear view of the tight hole. Placing some of the cold lube onto his fingers, Finn ran a single digit along the sensitive area, smiling as Sam’s head fell back with a moan. The first time they had sex Finn was too scared of hurting Sam, letting the blonde do it himself, but now he knew how different it was that he was doing it for Sam, how much it turned Sam on.
He slid a single finger into Sam, almost coming on the spot at the noises he forced from the squirming boy, pulling out and pushing back in a few times before adding another finger. Finn got that Sam wanted it badly, so instead of wasting his time he continued to pump into the boy with two fingers whilst pulling Sam’s bag toward him and hoping he brought condoms too.
“Finn, I don’t care just fuck me for gods sake.” A commanding tone residing from the blonde.
Finn knew he probably should wear a condom, though he figured the two of them didn’t have any diseases so instead of stringing Sam along with his fingers he pulled them from him and began applying a lot of lube to his dick before leaning between Sam’s legs and beginning to slowly push with his hips.
Sam’s hands held Finn’s shoulders, his knuckles turning white as he forced himself to relax around the minor pain of the boy completely entering him. It wasn’t until he felt Finn’s balls brush against his skin that Sam took a breath, looking up at the concerned face Finn was making. Sure it hurt a little, but there was nothing to be worried about.
Observing the blonde’s face, Finn pulled out slightly before pushing back in - still getting used to the hot tightness of Sam’s ass around him. It was almost too much for Finn, the noises, the raising of falling chest, Sam was getting him close, and they had barely even started.
He felt Sam’s arms wrap around his back, pulling their bodies clothes so he could feel the hard dick rub against his stomach as he slowly moved in and out the boy. The look on Sam’s face was something else, his mouth dangled open, and not in a cute way, the small moans as Finn pushed back in.
“Please, Finn. Harder.” Sam breathed into his ear; Finn complying instantly as his hips began thrust a little faster, his strokes into Sam becoming tougher so he could hear their skin slap together. “Oh god, that’s it.” Sam whispered into his ear, biting slightly on his earlobe.
“Keep talking.”
“Finn, please, just give it to me.”
“Shit.” Finn shuddered against Sam, the words forcing him over the edge, blowing his load inside the boy before collapsing against him, feeling the wetness that was Sam’s come on both their stomachs.
Both boys lay for a few seconds, Finn staring the perfect sweat glistening body beneath him, and Sam barely managing to catch his breath.
“Now we can go upstairs…” Sam laughed, kissing against Finn’s neck. “To the shower and away!”
-- -- -- --
After the boys had showered, in which Sam decided to make Finn come some more, they retreated to Finn’s bed where they lay in their underwear - Sam was right, he needed extra. Now was Sam’s chance to try talk Finn into attempting bottoming, he had done it once before but they never went through with their plan due to the Puck situation.
Sam was lying on his side, running his finger up and down the middle of Finn’s bare chest. Although he noticed the boy always tired to cover his body, Sam thought he was pretty build - not as much himself but still.
“What?” Finn asked suspiciously, but still smiling.
“Nothing, I’m just admiring your body.” Sam’s gaze didn’t move from Finn’s body, continuing to toy with the milky skin. “Actually I was thinking of asking you something.” Now was his chance, the euphoria they both shared would help with the convincing.
“Go ahead.” Sam felt Finn’s hand brush through his slightly damn hair as he spoke, and with a smile he looked to the boy.
He didn’t know how to put it exactly; he didn’t want to be too blunt as to put Finn off. He just wanted to show Finn how good it felt.
“I was wondering if you maybe, since you agreed, maybe you still wanted to try bottoming.” Sam began with a wide smile, trying to make the situation a little brighter. “I just want you to feel what I feel when you’re in me, and I know you’re scared about how ‘big’ I am or whatever but don’t worry it will be fine, we can go as slow as you want. Plus you really enjoyed it when I, you know, when I licked you… down there.”
“I did, I really enjoyed that. I don’t know, Sam. I don’t have a body like yours, and I definitely don’t have an ass like yours. I don’t know. I want to, I just, I don’t like the idea of you seeing everything bad about me.” Finn looked down at the now pouting boy, his insecurities getting the better of him. Its not that he didn’t think he’d enjoy it because he knew he would, if licking it made him feel good he could only imagine what it would feel like to have Sam in him.
“There is nothing bad about you, stop saying that.” Sam sat up a little as he spoke. “You have an amazing body, and there is no other body I would love to be inside - trust me. You’re the hottest guy in school.” With his words, Sam began to lightly kiss Finn’s neck. It was only a matter of time before Finn got so horny that he couldn’t say no.
“Ummm, even better than Mike’s?” Finn suggested.
“Definitely.” Sam’s lips moved about an inch lower, kissing at the collar bone. He continued to move lower as Finn listed off different names of boys, only answering with a yes to everyone of them. It was a sort of game, a game Sam knew he would win.
Sam had gotten to Finn’s pubic bone, so close to the even tighter underwear when Finn said something he probably shouldn’t have.
“Better than Puck’s” Finn picked up on what he said instantly, he was too lost in the moment, and he was running out of football players. He wasn’t thinking straight, in more ways than one.
Sam pulled away from Finn, sitting back on his heels and looking down at the bed. Even though he knew Finn probably just made a mistake, he couldn’t keep going now, he felt sick at the thought of Puck’s body anywhere near his.
“Shit, Sam. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean it like that. I just. Fuck, I’m so sorry.” Finn had moved down to Sam, trying to get the boy to even look at him. “Sam please?”
“No, it’s fine. You shouldn’t apologize, its fine.” It wasn’t, but Sam didn’t want Finn to feel guilty for some he didn’t mean to do. Sam was the one that fucked up when he gave Puck a blow job, it was his entire fault. “Its okay, Finn. We can do this another time, I’m a little tired. I should probably go; I shouldn’t stay if your mom doesn’t know.” Sam was trying to be as happy as possible, faking the grin he always makes when he’s around Finn.
“Are you sure? Because I’m sure she won’t mind.” Finn didn’t want to argue with Sam, so instead he would let him do what he wanted even though he really didn’t want him to leave.
Sam didn’t want to, but he knew how weird it would be now with that in his mind. He couldn’t face the awkwardness. “I really should.” He stood, pulling on his jeans and shirt. “Finn, really it’s fine. I just shouldn’t be here without your mom’s permission.” Sam explained, making sure he had everything, knowing his bag was downstairs so he could get it on the way out. “And my parents might start thinking we’re up to something; they haven’t seen me for days.”
“I guess.” Finn nodded, understanding why Sam would want to leave. Bringing up a drunken mistake during foreplay was a serious mood killer. “And it’s not like we won’t see each other tomorrow, right?”
“Exactly.” Sam kissed the boy lightly, before hugging him with one arm. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Finn.” Sam exited the room, running downstairs and grabbing his bag and leaving the house.
Finn sat on his bed, still in his underwear though they had loosened since his boner went down. He didn’t understand what just happened, but he accepted it. He was happy they didn’t argue, though not talking about things could be just as deadly. Getting off his bed, Finn pulled on a pair of sweats before noticing Sam’s phone vibrating on the bed side table. Normally he would leave someone’s property alone, but he figured it could be his parents so Finn thought to at least check. Picking up the small device, Finn unlocked and went straight to the unread message which he assumed caused the vibration. ‘Hey trouty, thought any more about my offer? Still standing, as is my boner for you. Let me know.’ The message was from Puck, and Finn almost cracked the phone with his angry grip, rereading it over and over before finally dropping the phone onto his bed. What offer? Why hadn’t Sam said anything? Is this why Sam ducked out on their free time together? Finn couldn’t stop thinking, making up scenarios in his head. He couldn’t do this again; he couldn’t feel how he felt when Santana told him. His knuckles still had a slight bruise from the time he punched his car, too angry to take his feelings out any other way. At least now he had a human to punch, he just didn’t know who it would be.