Mar 14, 2007 17:33
Wow. For too long I dwelled upon the idea that I was, in fact, taking a huge step backwards in the pursuit of some of my immediate goals. First, there was the uncertainty with the job, brought on by the dissolving of a partnership between, of all things, twin sisters who own my company. Then, we of course move into a slightly bigger apartment which cost twice as much as the old place. And of course, it follows the usual pattern from there: my leg hurt constantly, my buddies were having their own issues and largely out of reach, and I was becoming less and less fond of smiling through it all.
One or two good phone calls to friends and family back home started to set things right with me. I stood up to the random and unecessary parenting I found myself enduring from certain roommates by handling it as I would any business relationship, and in asserting my position on the matter, realized I was not trapped. Even better, I forced that same roommate to realize it; I was helping out, and I had options - I always did, but I just wasn't thinking clear enough to realize it. It was at this time I started seeing my buddies more often, because I was no longer a shell that worked and slept, and they therefore felt more comfortable to speak their minds. Long story of swapping stories of domestic problems aside, we were able to pick up where we all left off, and become alcoholics again.
Meanwhile, my resume had been getting plenty of hits, and I, feeling better, was able to discuss the pending job offers I was receiving with the head of my would-be doomed company. My boss assured me that anything I had pending, salary-wise, could be matched, and I only had to name it. Since we'd talked about $45k base a few months back (before the conflict with sister-partners), I felt it fair to bring it up again, but to also ask for an increase in monthly commission, plus year-end bonus as usual. Done.
And holy crap, here I am. Not only can I afford to be on my own in Southern-freaking-California now, but I have prospective roommates lined up for a new apartment within the year. Whatever I choose. Our company is doing better than ever, and soon we'll be aligned with Los Angeles' largest indy CPA firm. We'll have a new name, and more clients than before, plus entrees into some great new companies, with plenty of schmuzing privleges. And, for the first time, I'll have my own office. Not a separate part of the same office, mind you, but my own freakin' office.
The job still intends to set me up with a return to school for HR, but they recognize my want to be in marketing, and they'll try to get me adjusted to the scope of work I feel I'd be best suited to. Creepy, but folks, I think I found a career somewhere in there.
Meanwhile, my car will still be paid off by the end of the year. My credit card bills are all but gone. That means I can start saving money, because most importantly of all, I will have accomplished everything I set out to do in California, within the next 6 months. If I happen to get a healthy sum of cash saved in the meantime, it allows me to go somwhere else for a while, if I so choose. I can settle down and buy a house, raise 9 kids on a farm if I want. I can tour the country for a month here-and-there with my motorcycle. It's all looking up.
So yes, crappy stint long over. Hello good stuff. Too bad I didn't see it on the horizon before.