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christopherhord.com. Please leave any
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On this week’s episode of The Evergreen Report, the broadcast looks at the status of Evergreen’s upcoming student cafe, The Flaming Eggplant. Armed with student fees, a group of students plans to open an outdoor, cafe-styled trailer in Evergreen’s Red Square. The cafe is already promised a permanent home in an ongoing campus redesign. In only five minutes, get more info on this popular initiative.
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About The Evergreen Report
The Evergreen Report is a new program on
KAOS 89.3 FM in Olympia, WA, appearing Monday mornings, before Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman
Produced at The Evergreen State College, The Evergreen Report is a weekly news program that examines events going on at the Evergreen campus. It also focuses on events at the campus that affect the community and events in the local area - Olympia, Lacey and Tumwater, primarily - that affect life on campus. In only five minutes, host Christopher Hord tells you about a local issue or event, while students and local residents speak out in their own words. It’s an engaging, magazine-like format, familiar to legions of NPR fans worldwide.
Christopher Hord is an Evergreen student and also a veteran journalist - with more than 20 years experience in newspapers, radio and TV. He was a member of the radio news team with the award winning Seattle/Tacoma station, KPLU-88.5 FM. His work has also appeared on NPR national broadcasts.