Unhallowed Metropolis: All You Zombies

Nov 20, 2007 18:44

Originally published at christopherhord.com. Please leave any comments there.

Since this is my “serious” blog, I’ve hesitated before publishing any role-playing game material. However these games are also a thriving form of publishing with some innovative work going on so I’ve decided to pay the form more serious consideration. The game that led me to this decision is Unhallowed Metropolis.

Unhallowed Metropolis, from Eos Press, is a fast-paced role-playing game (RPG) dealing with an alternate reality where zombies stalk gas-lit streets not of olden London, but of today’s. The basic background posits that a literal plague of Zombies fell across the globe fostering the terror of a zombie attack and the devastation of plague-level contagion. The entire globe is thrown into a dark age from which it is slowly emerging. So, along with the horror element, an alternative history is thrown in as well.

Heady stuff to be sure. If you are unfamiliar with RPGs, this may not be the place to start. Also, if your idea of role-playing games still exists in the continuum between JRR Tolkien and Robert E. Howard, this may not be to your tastes either.


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