Originally published at
christopherhord.com. Please leave any
comments there.
One of the features I’ve got planned for my website is a look at the music industry and how it has essentially failed in its responsibility to both its artists and customers. It’s admittedly an axe I have to grind for no small reasons of my own - currently, I personally find the industry’s fear-mongering over piracy, debt-laden mergers and meek capitulation to corporate radio consolidation particularly distressing.
For now, however, I’ve stumbled across some interesting info during research that I wanted to share - new free downloads from superstars
Paul McCartney and
Bruce Springsteen. I know, I know - your reaction? Yawn. The last time Springsteen was relevant, generously speaking, was 2002’s The Rising - his impassioned and nuanced response to the 2001 WTC bombings and its impact on his core fan base. The last time McCartney was relevant was probably when the (then) surviving Beatles reunited to accompany John Lennon’s guitar and vocal on “Free As A Bird.”
But wait. Even aging superstars have fallen on hard times. The classic rock stations that were once their bread and butter have grown so ossified that they won’t even play new music by these old artists. These guys are out to show the world they still do music worth listening to and, on these two tracks, they’ve succeeded.
For more info and download links, I urge you to follow the link:
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