queen_skarre, 16 movies!
behind the cut, find quotes from 16 movies. guess where you can! first right answer on each get's credited, as i strike them from the list
for extra fun, i basically did these from memory--to make sure i had really memorable quotes (to me!)--so some quotes may be inexact (tried to stay away from the blindingly obvious, too):
1. "where were you last night?"
"that's so long ago, i don't remember"
"will i see you tonght?"
"i never make plans that far ahead"
kingcadillac casablanca
2. "this is one story the guys told me, and i believe it's true...."
cyclometh the usual suspects
3. "it figures. the cheaper the hood, the gaudier the patter."
4. "why don't we just wait here for a little while.... see what happens...."
cyclometh the thing
5. "a man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms. what are mine? what draws my admiration? what is that which gives me joy? baseball!"
kingcadillac the untouchables
6. "these homes are as good as up. in fact, they're even better. you can get any kind of house you want! you can even get stucco! OHH, how you can get stucco!"
neversremedy the coconuts (marx bros., groucho speaking)
7. "kid, i think there's something i should tell you. i never shot anybody before"
"you picked a hell of a time to tell me!"
selinawoman (honorable mention,
robinsnow....) butch cassidy & the sundance kid
8. "life's hard, man, but it's even harder when you're STUPID!"
9. "study your math, kids. it's the key to the universe!"
cyclometh prophecy
10. "she murdered herself, in her sleep"
"you mean suicide?"
"no, it was murder, alright."
singingbarista murder by death
11. "so.... what's goin' on in the clean world?!?"
12. "you DON'T understand! tonight, the full moon will come up and i'll turn into a WOLF!"
"you and six million other guys...."
13. "as celebrities, we have a responsibility to read the papers! and say the things we read in the papers like they were our ideas!"
cyclometh team america: world police
14. "we deal in lead, friend"
kingcadillac the magnificent seven
15. "we've got a blind date with destiny. and it looks like she's ordered the lobster...."
gaelfarce mystery men
[maybe a little obvious, but i love that line!]
16. "did IQs just drop sharply while I was away?"
cyclometh aliens