so, once i realized mastercard was just not going to play ball with me about getting me an appropriate subject to interview for my article (which i should have seen coming, admittedly), i began plan b--getting data on the credit card industry from visa instead. it took making a few phone calls and bugging the right people and i never got a top executive to interview, but i did get a spokesman and a statement and some additional research materials withing about two business days.
with my deadline looming, i figured it was wise to invoke a plan c--contacting a software company that makes data security products, in case visa didn't come through. after i got my visa data, the p.r. flack from symantec called back and set me up for a phone interview with one of their execs. by about 1 p.m., i was starting on my first draft. for an article that's supposed to run form about 800-1200 words, i have 732 now.
i may still manage to squeeze one more interview by early tomorrow morning, which will make this a cakewalk. but, i'll gave a first draft of more than 800 words and will have started my second draft before i finish the day -- and my first draft's pretty damn clean. i even checked in with my editor to make sure they want this piece and knew it was coming--not only got voicemail. but deadline's tomorrow and i'll have a finished draft for them tomorrow morning, so we should be cool (please, gog, please!)....
remember, i'm a trained professional. don't try this at home....
that is all!
[edited 'cause
robinsnow was making fun of me! hey, it's been a long day....]