This is your daily update on all the random things I have said over the last 24 hours!
- 13:53 Holy crap, check out these awesome loading screen shots in 3D Dot Heroes! #
- 15:05 finished #UNCHARTED2 in Normal Mode #
- 15:10 Overall, Uncharted was a great game. I still have some issues with the later levels and direction of the player, but still, awesome game. #
- 19:11 @carpunk @thefid2 @jdarksun @noajayne Podcast? #
- 19:55 Joined on the train started by @cascandar and @noajyane and changed mah profile pic. /danceparty #
- 20:29 Watching this week's South Park. This episode is so fucking wrong. #
- 21:40 Anyone down for some Uncharted 2 MP? #
- 22:18 Yay time for Demon's Souls! #
- 22:56 Letting my mana regen then onto fight the giant knight guy! #demonssouls #
- 23:15 Made the Giant Knight guy my bitch, sniped him with arrows from the walkways. Booyah! #demonssouls #
- 08:56 Cancelled Tekken 6. I just don't have the time for it, and I wasn't all that excited for it. #
- 09:48 Oh yeah, Windows 7 comes out this week, right? I have a copy pre-ordered at the $50 price for my netbook. #
- 10:47 FUCK! I totally forgot I need to make Igor Bars for tomorrow bake sale at work. #
- 11:31 RT @MetropolisRec: RT for a chance to win: Assemblage 23 - Compass LTD. Ed. out 10/20 #Compass #
- 11:34 Woooooo! Ordered "Of The Dead" from @threadless for their $10 Halloween Tees sale!! Wooooo #threadless !!!! #
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