This is your daily update on all the random things I have said over the last 24 hours!
- 14:11 Super Street Fighter IV pics leaked, show T.Hawk and a new female character Juki. Should be on most gaming sites by now. #
- 14:53 Woohoo! RT @theECA The ECA has teamed up with on discounts to ECA members! #
- 16:09 What time can people make the podcast tonight? #
- 17:08 @jdaksun I am SO looking forward to talking about the game with you tonight. Don't restart yet! #
- 20:44 Wooooo, ordered bluetooth headphones for my morning walks! #
- 21:59 Super Street Fighter IV! LETS GO! (via @MarkMan23) #
- 22:05 Shooting the Shit with Kevin Smith #
- 08:06 Watched Family Guy and The Cleaveland show. Family Guy was hilarious, Cleaveland wasn't as bad as the internet says it is. #
- 08:56 Bought two albums from iTunes this morning: AFI's Crash Love and (after LOLing at the previews) Steel Panther's Feel the Steel. #fb #
- 10:25 @ldyjei Almost forgot this! #
- 10:36 Ugh, I feel kinda not so good today too. Sneezy, sniffly, throat scratchy, hot (but not bothered.) Considering going home. #
- 10:42 Now this is music! #
- 11:09 Totally going home at noon. Ugh. #
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