May 06, 2007 16:52
Gee folks, what about that iTunes store, eh? I've spent four hours loking through it, and I didn't even get to the Rolling Stones, or the Sex Pistols, either. I spent a long time listening to samples of Elton John, Green Day, Rev. Al Green, and Talking Heads. I made a playlist/wishlist of my discoveries, because my birthday is coming up (in one month), and everyone *wants* to see me explore my punk roots. (yes, you do, really.) Unfortunatly, I haven't been able to discover how to post this to iTunes, but it's stored upon my Mac (just ask-it is made up of 30-second samplescourtesy of iTunes).
I'm supposed to be at a game right now--Boca del Infierno. I'm resting to recover from this sore-throat thing. I've had it for a week. Gack. Where's my hot tea and lemon!
music downloads