Arts at the Hotel California

Sep 19, 2008 14:45

Kit and I started a Parent and Child ceramics course last night. I'll say more about that later, but for now I can tell you that I got to pick up my pieces from the reduction kiln. Not terribly reduced, alas. I used a copper red glaze which was meant to pop to a very red red. I can try again in 2 months if I want to.

And Kit went to art this morning. They did still life. The rules he was given are shown on the same page as the drawing: 1. Use four different values. 2. Don't draw the form outline first, just let the body of it create the form. 3. The drawing must be bigger than your hand. 4. You must spend at least ten minutes on your drawing. He has been given homework of doing another drawing at home of a different piece of fruit.

You can see he has used four shades. He has drawn the shadow of the apple, and at the bottom near the shadow is a close up detail of the stem area. He's excited, and said he might eat the banana he is going to draw at home.

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