Drugs or soap?

Feb 29, 2008 10:59

I haven't seen Dr Bronner's for years, but I'd buy it if I did see it!

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eduardoelric February 29 2008, 14:19:41 UTC
Hmm... while the video was interesting, I have a problem with people saying that "Petroleum" is not organic. It depends on your definition. Ask an organic chemist. By definition the compounds in petroleum are organic --- they come from plant and animal matter, they contain carbon and ok, I can't remember my exact chemistry, it's been over 20 years, but still....

Yes, those other products are soap. Just not soap in the sense he means. And his definition of soap is the saponification of "Vegetable fats". Well, Almanzo Wilder (husband of Laura Ingalls Wilder -- you know, the one who wrote Little house on the Prairie), his family used to make soap from animal fat (With ash added, I think... I can't remember). Anyway, You can make soap from animal fat too, is my point, and they've been making it that way for years.

Of course, you probably already know all this and I've probably gone on for too long, but it's just a pet peeve ;) Like when people claim "Plastic" is not "organic". Hee hee hee... same argument. It's an organic compound (according to a chemist). What the heck do people mean by organic anyway? I'd really like to know.


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