Mar 16, 2005 23:20
yesterday was so much fun even though it was all yucky out side. me and leila went to CC beach to play volleyball with some other people. the girls team (kara, kady, me, leila and leah) rocked! then we played poker. i won $8 then blew it on sushi. which is my anti drug along with sun harvest and chelsey.
after i went to leilas and we went to HEB, then to moore plaza and mark picked her up from there, and i went to buddy's. i hadn't seen bud or lady the whole break. and michael but that doesn't count cuz he's lame.
today i went to BAYLOR. its so cute. its so far. i wish i knew what i wanted to major in so that i could decide on where i want to go. update:
been accepted to: baylor with a scholarship, st. mary's with a scholarship, and american (in washington dc) with no money
waiting on: UT and trinity
but i really liked baylor. and they have interior design so if i wanted to go into that i could. or nursing too. it seems like an easy way out. i just hope i make the right decision.
i woke up at 6:30. i drove over 10 hours. i ate 2 bobs. what a long day.