Jan 29, 2005 14:13
at first it didn't feel like friday. but then it diiid. cal was awesome cuz no one was there. english i wrote a bad ass timed writing. the rest of the day was ok. i didn't feel like doing anything, so me and gwynne went to the caroll king bball game. we stayed till half time. then i came home. parker and wb called me. i still wasn't going to do anything. but andrew had people over so i went. then danny told us to go there. so we went.
it was me, CHELSEY!!!, danny, parker, amy, andrew, tomas, jeremy, evan, josh, adam, thej and hayley. i have been wanting to chill with hay and chels since the summer, it finally happened! YES! it was suppose to be a "frenzy" party, but we burst their bubble. i had curfew at 1230, so i stopped by whataburger, and got a BOB. and was home early. but it was a good night!
i got up early and went to paint some more. lamo called me, hes at baylor. i wanted to go soooo bad. but i'm going for spring, for sure, cuz i have to know if i like it or not. i moved my first box to victor's and it feels like i'm moving to college. i put the box in my car, and it just felt right. i finally feel like im growing up.