I'm still alive!
I purchased my first car on Saturday. It took five hours to get out of the dealership, despite the fact that I had my car ordered, I had financing from a credit union in place, and the car was already considered sold to me.
It's a manual transmission. I had been learning how to drive these past couple of months, but my car has already taken a huge beating from me. :-( Most people says it took them three hours to learn. I learned this past weekend that my learning curve it much steeper than that. Driving is extremely stressful, but I know this period is a part of learning how to drive. I'll post pictures when I feel like my car has the love that it deserves.
In the meantime, I'll post happy pictures of my trip to visit Phyllis in LA. I realized that LA is the place I have been most outside of Texas. Oh, you Los Angeloans! What a siren song your city is!
In Topanga Canyon
Japanese food in LA is what Tex Mex food is in Texas...plentiful and damn good!
...as Phyllis demonstrates in this picture.
Don't their jet-lagged faces look fabu? Phyllis and An came back from Egypt the day before I arrived...so is the life of being a jet-setter in LA.