Hi. I was going to call you right now, because everyone has left except me. But it's already 4:02 and I don't know if you're still at the office. I have a killer headache. Ugh. This weather is starting to get a little ridic. Its pouring now. This morning is was bright and sunny and hotter than hell, as usual. Last night I watche Laguna Beach. I don't even know if I really like the show that much, esp. because I cannot stand Kristin AT ALL. But it's one of those shows that you know when it's always on and you just have to watch it. Next week is already Aug 1. When do you leave for school? I tried on my gauchos this morning and thought of you. Asshole. Does U of I offer like foreign term or studying abroad. Whatever your school calls it? I would love to do that. I really want to go to Austraila or Italy or Paris. Or anywhere really. Africa would be pretty sweet. Esp with my new digital. I'd be snapping pictures of everything, left and right. I could go for a nap right about now. Maybe if it stops raining we could run later. I need to start exercising more. Alot more. ugh. Ok I'm gonna find a game to play. Peace out. E.
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