Mentioned Veidt in last entry. Forgot not everyone knows who Veidt is. I'll rectify that.
This is Veidt.
In my fandom, Veidt was called the world's smartest man. In the twenty-something years I've known him, always considered it to be true. Example. If he did have cat on his head, he would not only say it made argument invalid, but would offer an explanation on how it made argument invalid. Explanation would make perfect sense. That's the kind of man he is.
However, his intelligence hides cowardice. He used to be a hero, used to fight to save lives. He became a showboater, couldn't resist cameras, always looking for attention. Then in the face of adversity, instead of persevering, he quit. Turned his identity into an investment. Turned his visage into action figures, cartoons, lunchboxes. Sold out. And when the world was faced with global war, he decided to end it. By killing millions of people in cities around the world. This man is responsible for the deaths of countless innocents. If you ever see him, beat him senseless but don't kill him. Save that for me.