Jun 28, 2005 22:20
i want to go back in time
back when you liked me as much as i like you now.
i wanna go back then you used to hug me
and when you used to call me.
i wanna go back to when we talked a lot
when we laughed together.
i wanna go back to the first day we realized we liked each other,
the first day we had the best conversation with anyone ever.
if i had to give up everything i have, and will ever have, just to go back,
i would.
you have no idea what i would do to get you to like me again.
i would do absolutely anything.
a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g anything.
i would do it just to have that time with you again.
even for a second with you again
it would be worth every mila-second
just for you to hug me once more
for you to look at me like you did.
but i dont have a time machine
so i dont think it will happen.