chopchica: i want to write a story where rodney never went to siberia and actually worked for torchwood and then there's a big mission crossover and john being all jealous of jack
chopchica: i want a whole story where everybody is snarky and sam gets it thrown in her face that even her mary sue wonderfulness wasn't enough to get somebody actually sent to siberia
kageygirl: ha!
chopchica: i want a *fun* story
kageygirl: but do you not know? Torchwood is the fandom of paaaaaaain and omgemoaaaaaaangst
chopchica: all sorts of staredowns between jack and john and rodney, and ianto being creepily polite and freaking rodney out, and owen thinking he's top dog until rodney just looks at him and then ignores him completely
chopchica: and gwen being all, "omg jack why aren't you paying attention to meeeeeee"
chopchica: and maybe some sort of pairing for tosh, who really deserves some freaking love
There would be flirting all over the place, and I would write het(het!) Lorne/Tosh and hmm, perhaps I should acquire some Torchwood icons.