Fic: Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain (Sheppard/McKay, nc-17)

Oct 23, 2005 06:14

Title: Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay
Rating: nc-17
Length: 2,700
Spoilers: Nary a one
Summary: Rodney learns about the true meaning of Halloween
Notes: This was written for svmadelyn's ficathon. I wrote for mboyd who sent me a prompt asking for geek talk, and lots of kissing. I hope this fits your desires!

Thanks to all of the usual suspects. All of the fucked-up commas are my fault alone.

In retrospect, putting Kinsen and Mehra in charge of morale boosting probably hadn’t been one of John’s smarter command decisions.

Like most of the unfortunate events that had befallen them in the Pegasus Galaxy, hindsight was twenty-twenty, and by the time he realized the monumentalness of his mistake, emails had already gone out to Atlantis’s entire personnel, and it was too late to change anything. There were days that John thanked whatever higher power he didn’t believe in for the coin landing on tails -- even if it had taken the best out of seven tosses. Other days, he wished he could go back in time to Antarctica, where he never would have sat in the damn chair to begin with. He’d been prepared for a lot when he’d stepped through the gate, but the Wraith and Genii were one thing. A costume party was a whole other ball of wax, and with a groan, he realized that he was going to have to pick a costume of his own.

Not to mention the sure-to-be annoyed expedition staff that he was going to be expected to cajole and mollify. Sometimes being the charming one had its downside. Nobody ever asked Rodney to handle damage control. In his next life, it was entirely possible he’d want to come back as somebody like Rodney. For now though, all he could do was hide in his office and wait for the coming explosion.

It didn’t take very long. The transporter hissed from down the hallway, and John heard the sound of stomping feet that could only be an agitated McKay.

“Colonel! Open the door before I blow it up!”

John winced, and thought the door open. McKay stormed in and glared at him.

“You want something?” John asked, because maybe he gotten extremely lucky and this wasn’t actually about the party. From the look of the piece of paper McKay was waving around, he didn’t think so.

“This is a joke, right? Because last time I checked, I was in the Ancient city of Atlantis, not Elementary school!”

There was nothing to do but brazen it out. Admitting that it had come as a surprise to him as well would only lead to McKay demanding that he fix it, which he couldn’t do without it coming off as a huge insult to Kinsen and Mehra - who’d had nothing but good intentions.

He stretched out slowly, and put his legs up on his desk, smiling faintly as he saw Rodney’s gaze tracing the lines of his body. “So I’m thinking you’re not really getting into the Halloween spirit.”

McKay snorted. “Do I look like the sort to get into any kind of spirit?”

No, not so much. John shook his head, and Rodney waved the paper around in triumph.

“That’s right, and as Chief Scientist of the expedition, I demand that you fix this!”

Ouch, Rodney was really pulling out the big guns, and even knowing that he’d been right about Rodney’s demands was cold comfort. Plus, the only thing he could legitimately counter with was the Chief Military Officer card, and there was no way John was sinking to that level if he could help it. Not over a Halloween party. Rodney would make sure he’d never live it down.

All he could do was shrug. “Does this mean you need help picking out a costume?”

If look kill, John would’ve been the appetizer at dinner. “Thanks for the offer, Colonel, but that won’t be necessary.”

“You’ve got a costume already?” John asked innocently, because as long as they were all stuck in this, there was no reason he couldn’t have any fun.

Forget appetizer. John had just been upgraded to the main course. “Of course not! Because I’m not wearing a costume!”

John grinned. “Oh, you aren’t, are you?”

“That’s right,” Rodney said with the conviction of somebody who knew he was completely and totally fucked, but was hoping to bulldoze his way out of it before anybody else noticed.

“Sorry, McKay,” John said, totally unapologetically. “I’m sure you read the rules. Costumes for all. It’s mandatory. And so is attendance.

Rodney looked so incensed that John almost expected lightning bolts to start shooting out from his fingertips. He was surprised the email hadn’t spontaneously combusted from the sheer force of Rodney’s rage.

“Well then,” Rodney finally snapped. “When the next Wraith attack comes, and we’re all dying horrible soul-sucking deaths, I’ll be sure to let everybody know that the reason I wasn’t able to save us all was because I had to spend all of my time making sure my Tin Man costume fit!”

“Hey now,” John said soothingly. “You’re not a Tin Man at all. Now the Scarecrow, on the other hand…”

Rodney’s mouth opened impotently, and then he spun on his heel and stormed out of the room, while John almost bit through his lip trying not to laugh.

Rodney popped his head back in and glared. “And you’ll probably go as Han Solo, won’t you? Way to live the cliché.”

John frowned. He’d been contemplating Neo -- mainly because it would require no work at all -- but Han Solo did have a certain appeal, especially when he imagined Rodney playing the role of Leia.

Rodney must have seen the thought on his face, because he came back into the room and waved his hands some more. “Don’t go thinking I’m going to dress up as Leia! If I’m anybody at all, it’d be the Emperor.”

John gave it some consideration. On the one hand, he couldn’t deny the call of the dark side was appealing. On the other…“The Emperor never wore a gold bikini.”

“Yes, and millions wept.”

“I find your lack of faith disturbing,” John intoned, and grinned when Rodney shuddered and passed a hand over his face. “Besides, you may be no princess, but I wouldn’t dismiss the similarities.”

“Like what?” Rodney asked, looking suspicious.

“Hey, Leia was a tough gal. She never took anybody’s shit, and she never needed to be rescued. Most of the time she went ahead and did the rescuing herself. She was just the kind of girl Han needed.”

He watched with fascination as the blush traveled up Rodney’s neck, tingeing his cheeks. “Really.”

John nodded, and made a conscious effort not to hide what he was really thinking for a second. “Really.”

“Hmm, I’m still not wearing the gold bikini though.”

“Not even for me?” John thought about batting his eyes, but there was such a thing as taking it too far.

Rodney snorted. “Not even for you. Besides, if anybody out there should be wearing the gold bikini, it’d be you.” He gave John a once-over and smiled slowly, doing disturbing things to John’s insides. “I’ll bet you’d look really good in a collar….Colonel.”

John swallowed. “I look good in a lot of things.”

For that he received a true grin, the one Rodney usually reserved for things like pudding cups and mocking other people mercilessly. “Yes, you really do.”

The door whooshed closed, and John realized that Rodney must have done it, which meant that…it was finally time that…

“You might want to make sure it’s locked,” Rodney suggested. “There’s a better chance it’ll hold for you.”

It wasn’t really where and when he’d been expecting things to happen, but he wasn’t stupid. “I can do that.”

Rodney’s smile turned smug. “Good,” he said, and John locked the door with his mind as quickly as he could.

“You could come over here,” he said hopefully.

“So.” Rodney advanced across the room, and John reminded himself that it was just Rodney - awkward, dorky, obnoxious, impossible Rodney, who shouldn’t be looking nearly so hot in that blue shirt. “The Scarecrow, huh?”

John turned sideways in his chair to give Rodney room, and if it meant that he needed to sling an arm over the back, and stretch out his legs, well, that was just his way of being considerate. Plus, he’d seen the way Rodney stared whenever he’d done it in meetings. Needless to say, he’d been doing it a lot lately, just to watch Rodney’s reaction, and this time was no different. Rodney actually stopped in his tracks for a second, and his mouth slackened.

“I was just trying to be helpful,” John pointed out, and spread his legs a little bit further.

Rodney visibly pulled himself back together. “You’re the soul of consideration.”

John nodded earnestly. “I really am.”

“In my experience, if somebody wants to be truly considerate, they take off their clothes,” Rodney said, gifting him with a lopsided half-smile - the one that always made John want to bite Rodney’s lip so that he could tug it into the right place. Of course, a lot of things made him want to bite Rodney.

Sounded like a good plan to him. “My clothes, hmm?”

“It’s the polite thing to do, Colonel.”

Sometimes John had the feeling Rodney knew just how hard it made him to be addressed in that tone of voice. “I guess Canadians really are a polite bunch.”

Rodney helped John pull of his shirt - teasing his nipples along the way. “Some of us are, anyway.” He trailed his hands down John’s chest, tracing the shivering muscles. “Some of us prefer to just take what we want instead of asking.”

“I can -” John’s voice shook, and he cleared his throat. “I can get behind that.”

Rodney smiled smugly, and John gave up the shreds of trying to remain cool. He flung himself out of the chair and hit Rodney with full force, tumbling them both to the carpet.

“Oof!” Rodney struggled beneath him, and finally succeeded in shoving John off. “You’d better be glad that this carpet is soft, or else I’d have to stick you with the bill for my knee surgery and subsequent years of intensive physical therapy.”

“I’d rather you stuck me with something else,” John said in the most suggestive voice he could muster.

Rodney stared at him blankly, and then started laughing. “Stuck you with something else? Tell me, Colonel, do you practice your lines in front of the mirror?”

“I was just trying to set the mood,” John said grumpily.

“I think that could best be achieved by you keeping your mouth shut.”

John had a second to be offended - if anybody should be saying that it was him - but then Rodney rolled back on top of him. Two seconds of kissing later, he decided that Rodney could insult him and steal lines all he wanted, as long as he never took his tongue out of John’s mouth.

Rodney kissed like he worked, like John was a mystery waiting to be analyzed one intricate detail at a time. He took John completely apart with his clever mouth and brutal determination, and then rebuilt him step by step, until John felt like something new entirely, more than he’d ever been by himself.

He moaned into Rodney’s mouth, and tried to get his hands everywhere he could, because he needed them to be naked right the hell now, before he imploded from the heat and power of Rodney’s lips. He needed to touch every single part of Rodney he could reach, because when he wasn’t in the air, it was hard to get his bearings, and Rodney was a new landscape just waiting to be mapped out.

Rodney laughed softly into his mouth. “A little eager there.” He nipped John’s lower lip, and John thrust his hips up convulsively. “Make that a lot eager.”

There was no time for John to form a response, because the next nip was accompanied by a slow roll of Rodney’s hips - pressing and shifting until John thought he was going to lose his mind if he didn’t get to come in the next ten seconds.

“God, Rodney, just --- oh god, right there.” Rodney circled his hips, and John gasped and panted, barely able to keep himself from wrapping his legs around Rodney’s waist and begging to be fucked. “Pants, c’mon, Rodney, pants.”

“Mm, no, I don’t think so.” Rodney said, moving in minute increments. With each push, he nudged the underside of John’s cock a little bit more, until John was biting his lip to keep in the embarrassing sounds he wanted to make. “I think you shouldn’t have called me the Scarecrow, that’s what I think.”

“It was, oh god -” a brief lick underneath his ear, and John lost his train of thought for a second, “it was funny.”

Rodney’s voice was smooth and low. “And I think making you come in your pants is a laugh riot, don’t you, Colonel?”

It was too much, overload, a supernova of Rodney’s voice, Rodney’s hands, Rodney’s cock thrusting against his, Rodney’s tongue licking the curve of his ear, Rodney controlling every single part of him, and something in John’s brain shorted out. He came fast and hard, burying his face in Rodney’s neck to muffle his cries.

When it was all over, he collapsed back into the floor, feeling like a limp puddle of his former self.

“John,” Rodney said. His voice shook, and John instinctively responded to the need he heard, tilting back his head and exposing his throat in order to give Rodney full access. He hissed when Rodney sank his teeth in hard - just barely below the neck of his shirt. The movement of Rodney’s hips was becoming erratic, and John smiled slyly.

“Next time, you can fuck me,” he said softly, and twined a leg around Rodney’s back.

“Jesus!” Rodney swore, and flailed against him, coming in jerky bursts. John kissed him all the way through it, taking the sounds Rodney made into his own mouth, and swallowing them whole

The silence that followed would’ve been awkward if he’d been with anybody but Rodney. They lay together on the floor, John’s hands tracing down Rodney’s spine, and Rodney feathering kisses along his collarbone. Finally Rodney hauled himself off of John with a grunt and sat up. He extended a hand for John to grab, and pulled John up next to him.

“I’ve got to get back to work,” Rodney said, and brushed his lips over John’s in a gentle kiss.

“Yeah, me too.”

They stood up, and John leaned a hip against his desk, watching as Rodney pulled himself back together. He grinned when Rodney finger-combed his hair back into some semblance of order, and Rodney sneered at him.

“Not all of us can walk around with a raging case of just-fucked bedhead, Colonel.” His eyes widened a bit as John shivered, and John knew they’d be revisiting that topic later - probably while he wore a collar. “How do you make it do that, anyway?”

John shrugged. “Just lucky, I guess.”

“So -” Rodney stopped on his way to door. “I have the original trilogy on my computer.”

John grinned wryly. “Of course you do.”

“Oh, please, Colonel, don’t think I don’t know about the entire works of Monty Python squirreled away on your hard drive.” John nodded, conceding Rodney’s point, and Rodney continued. “If you wanted, you could come over later tonight and we could…search for costumes.”

John finally gave in and batted his eyes. “Why, Rodney McKay. Just what kind of girl do you think I am?”

Rodney snorted. “The kind who comes in his pants.”

“Well, as long as that’s clear.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Colonel.” Rodney’s voice was dark and scratchy. “I think you’ve made yourself more than clear.”

“Good.” John gave Rodney one last kiss, and then swatted him on his ass. “Now, clear out, McKay. Some of us have real work to do.”

Rodney didn’t look impressed. “If you think any of this is going to change my mind about wearing a Leia costume, you’ve got another thing coming.”

“Tell you what,” John said. “Have the collar ready later, and we’ll see who fits the role.”

The smile Rodney gave him was appealing enough that John had to remind himself that getting naked and coming wasn’t even supposed to happen once in a workday, let along twice. “I knew there was a reason you were in charge,” Rodney said, and with a final grin, he was gone.

porny!, fic, john/rodney, sgafic

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