Mar 10, 2009 21:25
I'm sick of hearing about people talk about Jade Goody and not getting to have my own little say about how I feel about the whole thing.
I quite liked Jade when she was on Big Brother, I had a faint respect for her for managing to make a lot of money out of the media who are willing to plaster anyone with the vaguest kinship to celebrity all over the news to sell their papers, and I find it incredible that someone from a background such as hers, who isn't gorgeous, isn't thin, isn't very talented or bright has managed to become so famous and, for a while, so loved in this country. I was not a fan of her bullying and her racism on Celebrity Big Brother, but as Shilpa Shetty, the person the bullying was aimed at (in case we'd all forgotten), has forgiven her and put it down to her ignorance and (lack of) intellect, that is enough for me. I don't condone it in any way and I don't think ignorance is an excuse, but I also don't condemn her for it and I think the backlash was sufficient for her to learn a lot from her behaviour.
The fact that she has cancer, however, is a completely separate matter. As far as I am concerned, nothing she has done in her life has caused her to deserve such an horrendous illness, and absolutely nothing at all could mean that she deserves to die so young, in so much pain, leaving two young children. This is the most awful thing I can think of to happen to anyone and I would never, ever wish it on anyone. As for the fact that she has chosen to conduct her illness and subsequently her death in the public eye, this is neither here nor there. Those people who choose to see it as a selfish act on her part, who do not care, who think she should have some class and shut up, who declare her desperate for attention, in my opinion, should really grow up. Yes, grow up. It all reeks of cynical self-backslapping. Aren't you oh-so shocking and different to the rest of the country who are blithely falling for Jade's tricks? No. I find it gross, inappropriate and immature. Jade has days to live, she is in pain, she has no hope. Do these people honestly think that Jade cares if she is famous now? Do they really think she wants to be slapped all over the papers looking shocking, a disgusting parody of herself? She is dying. I don't believe these people comprehend this concept. She will not exist. She will not be around to enjoy the fame, or the money, or the renewed popularity. It does not matter what she does now, and I honestly think that is the point. She is, first and foremost, a mother to two small boys and of course she wants the best for them and if that means making as much money as humanly possible - why not? She can't enjoy it, this isn't about her.
On top of that, Jade's shocking, terrifying pictures and stories have sparked a 20% rise in women getting smear tests, potentially stopping cancer and has forced the NHS to consider lowering the age of smears from 25 to 20. At 24 and a half, even though I was referred to my GP by the GUM clinic in need of a smear, they were reluctant to give it to me and ONLY agreed because I would turn 25 in 6 months and it would save the trip. It was abnormal and I have to continue to be checked as this could potentially turn cancerous. Maybe 6 months won't make a difference, but if I was 20 this would be left for 5 years until someone would think it necessary to check and I could be in Jade's position by that point. The photos may be horrible to look at and intrusive and uncomfortable, but they work. I think it is brave that she is willing to sell herself in this way to raise awareness. And yes, I honestly think that is part of the reason. Even if I am being naive, I would rather think this than roll my eyes cynically at yet another TV story and think I know better than everyone else. I'm sick to death of this attitude of irony and cynicism. Do people even feel happy anymore? Do people feel genuine emotions now? If there is a time to have a real, emotional response to the fake world of celebrity this is it.
As for the comparisons to Kylie Minogue (sorry Dan to single you out here, not that you care, I'm sure) - how ridiculous. Kylie did not have terminal cancer, and while cancer is still never a disease to be indifferent about, she was not in Jade's position. However, Kylie did not get this barrage of disgust from a good portion of the public - people hailed her a saint of our times and a roll model! How? Kylie has money to throw at cancer, she is not the average woman with children to look after and a job to keep whilst hoping the NHS in her area will allow her the drugs which may keep her alive. She raised some awareness and she handled it well, but this is NOT the same situation in the least, and I am sure she would understand the difference even if the Simon Amstell generation can not. I don't think Jade is a saint either, not at all, but I do think she deserves some respect no matter how she chooses to conduct her illness. She'll be gone in a few days and you can all roll your eyes and carry on with your life.