Today's the last day of VeganMoFo, and sadly I forgot to take pictures of dinner. It could be worse, though, as I didn't make anything new, but, rather, went with a dish
I posted about previously, Root Veggie and Red Lentil Dal. This time around I made a double batch to feed six of us and served it up with some warm garlic bread. Simple and delicious, and a much needed meal after several days of eating out and gorging myself on cupcakes and booze.
I hope that this project has been as fun for you as it has been for me, and that the recipes and photos I've shared here might offer some inspiration to those who are considering moving toward a more vegetable-centered way of eating! I plan to post here more frequently, about veganism and other things, in the future, and I promise to post recipes and photos for the few things that you guys have requested, but that I neglected to make during the project (on which note, Jackie, I haven't forgotten about your chocolate chip cookies!).
In the meantime, Happy Halloween!