Title: Remnants
chooureshii Pairing: Akame
Rating: safe ^^
Disclaimer: yeah yeah, I don’t own them and stuff... But they are mine in my own world.
Summary: Everything has changed now. They have matured; and things are not the same. Jin is bizarred by his own actions and kame still chose to accept everything even though if it’s in vain. Have they really fallen out of love?
A/N: uwaaaa! This is my first fic ever,, and it’s the product of my sadness over akame. I’m craving for them sooo much but some part of me, I don’t know, It feels somehow sad. Anyway,,,I hope you like it though it’s a bit sad :)) comments would really help! :) I need it ^,^ jya, douzo :D
It's been how many years now?
It's been how long since I transformed to a different person now?
I don't hate what's in front of me, but if I would explain my part, would someone understand?
I don't know if It's falling out of love or loss of interest. Nanka, I can't tell myself.
I've grown old now and adopted new things. Maybe that's why I'm erasing the old memories.
To me, it's just all bittersweet. Memories from the past that I know will never last.
How come I've ended like this?
I treasured everything right? I treasured everything. I treasured you the most right?
What happened?
I feel sorry. I feel sorry for myself and for that stupid "my pace" act.
I've neglected my work, seemed an alien every guesting. I've neglected everyone.
I've neglected the person I once loved and considered my better half.
I'm sorry. I'm not the same Jin you knew before.
Kame, I'm just so sorry...
It's been how many years now?
It's been how long since i pretended not to notice?
What's in front of me, I knew it all along. I just couldn't help but to ignore, pretend, act numb
of everything that pains me.
I hate seeing your face. It reminds me of sweet memories you might have erased already.
I smile, greet you, laugh with the others; but still, it pains me once we end the day.
If you could just tell me what happened, I would understand.
You forgot I was once your better half. Please try telling me your thoughts.
Even if the thoughts are jumbled puzzles, try telling me.
I know it's not the same as before. We both have grown and matured.
I've adopted new things like you and what's happening now, it must be loss of interest
or falling out of love.
Even so, I never forgot nor regret the days we used to laugh at just random things
and fight over the simplest reasons.
I never erased those memories; even that special memory that we were once in love.
If there would be someone who could understand you, it's no other person but me.
But it hurts now. Seeing you have changed to a person I merely don't know.
I treasured you the most.
Though it's hard... it's alright Akanishi...
...I can still endure everything.