Whoa. I really wasn't expecting Comfort to be safe. It's funny b/c I had just been thinking that it would be ok if Comfort was safe b/c then Kherington would be gone and Comfort will almost definitely be gone next week, meaning the rest of the girls who I love will be around for two more shows. And then it happened. And I was still shocked. Not disappointed. Kinda Weirded out. But basically just shocked.
And, Gev! So sad! I really liked little Gev. I will miss him.
The girls' group dance was lovely. Very haunting. Their makeup was kinda freaky, though. They all looked sickly and dead-like afterwards when the lights were on. Kherington should've put some normal makeup on before her solo. It's kinda sad she had to be eliminated looking all deathly.
The guys' routine! Nigel?! I actually really enjoyed it. I loved the stepping b/c it reminds me of my old sorority days. (My sorority is Tau Beta Sigma, the band sorority. In the Southeast, a lot of the colleges with chapters are HBCs, so we always have step-shows at our conventions and stuff. Not that my very white-girl chapter competed. But we loved to watch. Anyway...). But, yeah, I was impressed, Nigel.
This season started rocky for me, but this week has really stepped it up. I love more of the dancers than I did last year. I hate to see any more of them go. Except Comfort and maybe Mark.
Cat's dress was pretty tonight. She really is the best host ever. I love how she cares about the dancers.
Ok. Now that that is out of my system, I can move on to other things:
-Dark Knight tomorrow! I'm having a sister night with one of the twins. We're going to the fancy theatre at Bridge Street in Huntsville. It really is the nicest theatre ever. When I bought our tickets online the other day, we had to choose our seats. We may go to Ashton Kutcher's restaurant. On that note, how is it that his restaurants only exist in LA and Huntsville, AL?
-I kinda want to go see Mamma Mia this weekend as well. It's gonna be so bad... *snicker* But, movie musicals are love, so I have to see it.
jacyevans says that
heroinexchange assignments are coming soon! I had forgotten all about them again, so I'm re-excited now.
-The new Twilight trailer looks better than I thought it would. Yes, I'm one of those horrible, horrible fans who is not exactly pleased with how the movie is looking. I'm excited about the movie, and I'll be there opening night with the rest of you... I'm just not loving some aspects of it. But, that's a discussion for later. For now, yay for the new trailer!
Wow, I am an expert rambler. Better stop now before I take over your entire f-list.