The Least You Could Have Done [2/2]

Jun 27, 2011 00:51

Title: The Least You Could Have Done
Author: Kat;choosethebattle 
Rating: Pushing PG-13
Warnings: Swearing. Strong suggestiveness.
Pairing: Ryden
Summary: Ryan began to drift between paying attention to Brendon’s beautiful voice, paired with his flawless face, as well as the other guys, and allowing the nostalgia that was bottled up in him, seep out. 
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot.
A/N: Second part of that s/a just because i really wanted to write a little more on it.



By 1am, Brendon had Ryan pinned against the door of Ryan’s apartment, kissing every inch of exposed skin he could find while Ryan rummaged through his seemingly never ending pockets for his door key. Brendon could feel Ryan’s chest contracting and relaxing faster than usual, feeling his breath his hair. Once Ryan had finally swiped the card, the door swung open, but Ryan felt a sudden surge of something like guilt. He pushed Brendon’s shoulders back lightly, looking intently into his eyes.

“Do you want me Ryan?” Ryan could’ve come just by hearing the other man’s voice. It was huskier, and deeper than usual, almost as if he was teasing Ryan until it hurt. Ryan nodded quickly, biting his lower lip hard. He takes hold of Brendon’s waist while Brendon has his fingers curling around the other man’s girlish hips, his nails digging so hard it would’ve caused Ryan some discomfort under any other circumstances.

It isn’t long before Ryan guided Brendon to the soft white leather corner suite after forcefully pushing the door closed behind them. Brendon ended up on the white sofa, - his leather jacket half off his shoulder, his duck-egg blue shirt tail coming out of his pants and his belt buckle undone - with Ryan straddling his thighs, grinding light and slow, causing friction in both boys’ jeans, which was becoming too much for the pair of them. Brendon groans from within his chest, gripping tighter at the other boy’s hips, tilting his head up to meet Ryan’s perfectly rounded, pink -as if there was gloss at work- lips.

“You should take your pants off,” Ryan breathed unbuttoning his own, attempting to hold his position. Taking Brendon’s pants off proved to be an easier task for both men. Brendon’s ended up on the floor next to the sofa but Ryan’s ended up around his ankles.

“Ryan…” Brendon couldn’t finish that sentence, Ryan was grinding faster and harder now, and with just two layers of cotton between the two, Brendon could barely keep hold of himself.

“I-I want you so bad,” Brendon whispered through a soft moan, removing Ryan’s boxers from his slim hips…

Once the sun began to shine through the slit in the curtains, Bendon’s eyes fluttered open to see the pearly white bed covers, the chrome bed frame creaked as he sat up. He rubbed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair, the feeling of grease touching his fingers, his eyes still half closed.

After ten minutes of trying to wake himself up properly, last night’s events began to flicker before his eyes.

“Ryan, just do it,” Brendon, now was straddling Ryan, an unexpected turn of events. Ryan had been hesitant until now, but Brendon was surely changing his mind. “It’s okay,” he whispered, biting down on Ryan’s very prominent collarbone, making the boy’s spine arch.

He looked around the room, Ryan was no where to be found, assuming he was in the living room, he pushed back the white duvet and the equally as white sheet. He pulled on a pair of boxers before leaving the room. Ryan wasn’t there, the living room was exactly as they’d left it last night.

“Brendon, I’d feel a lot more comfortable if we were in the bedroom,” the boys promptly moved to the bedroom, without breaking a kiss that Ryan had overcome Brendon with. The room was a little messy and hard to climb over without watching where they were going but they managed.

He went back into the bedroom, only to see a small card with his name beautifully written, in Ryan’s writing. He opened it, only to find he should’ve left it where it was.

I’m sorry about last night, I-I thought maybe that would, I don’t know, make things better? But it didn’t, it just made me realise how hurt I was when you left me, and I just, I couldn’t stay in bed with you. I’m sorry it’s come to this but I doubt I can ever forgive you for this B, and I know I’ve brought this upon myself, I just can’t open my heart like that again. And I guess I just want you to feel how I felt when you left before. I’m getting back at one, and when I get there, I want you gone. Just go, leave everything like it is and just leave. I’m sorry Brendon, but that’s just how it has to be.
Love always, Ryan.

That was like a blow to the head to Brendon. How could Ryan even think like that? Sure, Brendon broke up with him, but he assumed it was more of a mutual decision rather than Brendon telling Ryan he didn’t want to be with him anymore, in not so many words.

Brendon pulled on the black button up he wore last night, tying his thin, charcoal tie tightly. He went into the ensuite, to the right of the bed to wash his face. Looking into the mirror, he wouldn’t be surprised if Ryan made his mind up to leave once he saw the state in which Brendon’s hair was in. It seemed every hair was pointing in a different direction, in a style that Brendon recalled Ryan used to use wax to perfect his hair before every show. But on Brendon, it looked like bed hair, which is exactly what it was. He twisted the top of Ryan’s wax, which he probably wouldn’t miss, to fix his hair to a style he liked; slightly spiky. Rinsing his face in the pristine bathroom, which in no way resembled Brendon’s apartment, which happened to be seven blocks away. It didn’t even resemble He and Ryan’s old apartment, which they’d shared, also in New York City, for two years.

After rinsing his mouth with mouthwash, he felt a little more awake. He was taking into account everything Ryan had said in his letter, except the part about leaving everything where it was. He had to clean up. The place was a pigsty. There was clothes everywhere, a few coffee mugs, an empty pizza box or two, a few pillows here and there, and the worst part was, Brendon couldn’t remember whether the place was like this, or they’d made this mess, so he took a chance and decided cleaning it would be the best option, and plus, it was only 12, he had an hour to make the place look decent.

12.45 rolled around in no time, Brendon was almost finished polishing the TV when he heard a knock at the door. Fuck he thought, But when he looked through the peephole, it was not Ryan’s beautifully proportioned hazel eyes, instead, it was the unmistakable brown, almost black eyes of the one and only Jon Walker. Brendon unlocked the door, opening it to a smiling Jon.

“Brendon? What’re you doing here?” Jon’s voice sounded different to Brendon, deeper, more monotonous, like Ryan’s. He’d cut his hair, but it suited him, it perfectly sat around his face.

“Eh, I’m just leaving actually.”

“Well, is Ryan here?” Jon asked, stepping over the threshold into the apartment.

“He’s not, he’ll be back about one, though, so I really have to go,” Brendon picked up his coat from the hanger next to the door and tried to sly past Jon, but Jon put his arm out in front of the frame.

“Brendon, what are you doing here, come on.”

“I, eh, I’ll let Ryan tell, but really, I’ve to be a place at 1, and it’s not here, I’ll see you Jon.”

“Brendon, I’m only in New York an hour and you’ve already blown me off, things certainly have changed.” And with that, Jon lifted his arm, letting Brendon pass before closing the door. Brendon left the building and caught a cab before he realised what he’d done. This was the first time he’d spoken to Jon in years, and he blew it, he totally blew it. And he didn’t even have the apartment number to call him.

The heavens had opened by the time Brendon got out of the cab outside his own apartment building. The rain was coming down in what felt like buckets, and by the time he reached the door, his coat was soaked through. He typed in the code for the building, 71283.

“Hey, where were you last night?” Dallon questioned while Brendon put his coat on a radiator in the living room.

“Eh, no where.”

“I saw you leave with Ryan dude, no point in lying,” Dallon smirked, rubbing his head.

“You have a hangover Dallon?” Brendon said, slightly too loud, making the other man wince a little.

“Yeah, nothing I can’t handle though, you on the other hand, have a little explaining to do.”

And before Brendon knew it, he was back last night.

“Ryan that was, that fucking incredible,” he said between gasps for air. The two boys were collapsed on the crystal white sheets, their legs tangled together, chests hitching for breath.

“Yeah, i-it kind’a was,” Ryan leaned over to press a kiss on the boy’s lips, swiping his tongue across the bottom, nipping him whenever he could. Brendon was too tired to fight for dominance so Ryan had an immediate advantage. The heat was intense between the two but both were too worn out to bring it to anything else.

“Eh, we, we just made out I guess.”

“Don’t lie to me B, I know that look on your face, he fucked you,” Dallon winked at Brendon before making his way to the kitchen, only to be followed by Brendon. “But the question is, why are you here, and he’s not?”

“I, eh, he left this morning.”

“He what? He left his own apartment, that’s classy.”

“You don’t understand, he’s just fucking with me, last night meant nothing to him, and I guess it should mean nothing to me, but…”

“What are you doing here then man? Go fucking find him!” Dallon almost pushed Brendon out the door again, “Don’t come back until you’ve talked to him.”

Brendon didn’t have a chance to lift his coat on the way out the door, so he was inevitably going to get soaked. He decided to walk down the road a little before trying to catch a cab, at least there was a little shelter from the rain along the path. He was at the junction about a mile down the road when he heard someone calling his name, making him turn around. It wasn’t until he was much closer to this person that he realised who it was. Ryan.

“Brendon, wait up!” Brendon stood under the shelter of a little boutique in which he’d bought clothes numerous times for his various female family members.

Once the other man was close enough, Brendon finally said, “Ryan, what are you d-,” only to be cut off my Ryan’s lips piecing themselves together with Brendon’s. It was like the puzzled was finally finished, this was where everything they’d been through had led them. Right here, to this spot. Ryan pulled away from the soft kiss.

“I-I love you.”

nc-17, pg-13, oneshot, pairing: ryan ross/brendon urie

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