Set Into Motion [2/?]

Mar 09, 2011 18:14

Title: Set Into Motion
Author: choosethebattle  
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Josh Franceschi, eventually.
Summary: When Josh's band finally get a chance to play Warped Tour, he never thought it'd end like this.
Disclaimer: This is all false. All lyrics and other band shit belong to the respective band.
Author Notes: I have plan, Jack's not in it yet guys and i'm sorry, i am, but don't lose interest just yet.

“Are you going to Warped?” Josh asked Aiden, hoping that there would be at least one person there that would know his music.

“’Course I am! Are you stupid?” Aiden’s hushed toned got progressively louder as the question passed through his deep pink lips.

The conversation Aiden and Josh were having, continued like this for almost an hour, when Josh felt Max’s legs move under his own, maybe Sleeping Beauty had finally awoken.

“Hey Joshie,” Max’s groggy voice pierced through the silence that had consumed the plane for the duration on the flight. Max’s voice was higher, barely broken, even though he was older than Josh himself.

“Hey Maxie,” Josh replied in his smooth Surrey accent, still whispering although it was making his throat scratch a little.

Aiden, looking considerably more star struck now, had his head turned back to a book, Percy Jackson And The Lightening Thief. Josh loved that book, it made him smile.

“What are you smiling at mate?” Max asked, looking at Josh as if he were on drugs or something.

Josh hushed his voice a little more, “That kid across there? He’s a huge fan of ours, and he’s reading Percy Jackson. I may have to disown you as a best friend man.”

Josh looked back over at Aiden, whispering his name to catch his attention, “Mate! Aiden! Dude!” Josh started to consider that Aiden didn’t want to be spoken to anymore but then Aiden looked up, his lips kind of curled up to the right when he smiled and his green eyes creased a little.

“So you’re a fan? That’s pretty solid,” Max’s voice now, possibly louder than it’s ever been, but perhaps that was just in Josh’s head.

A few people around the three conscious boys began to stir. They glared at them for a minute then most of them fell back asleep again. Josh began to realise just how tired he was, being the only one not having had even an hour’s sleep on the flight.
His eyes began to close as he thought about it.

He woke to the sound of Max’s piercingly loud voice.

“Josh! Oi, sexy bum! Get the hell up! We’ve landed; we’ll be getting off in a bit so move your arse!”

Josh’s eyes opened and he unbuckled his seatbelt. No one else had done so and everyone around him was staring at him. He did his seatbelt back up again and sat back in his seat.

“Smooth, dude.” Aiden’s voice rung across the gangway to Josh’s ears.

“Shut up Aiden. I’m tired, okay?” Josh’s voice sounded snappy when he hadn’t meant it to.

Josh heard Aiden mutter, Jeez, calm your tits. The light above their seats indicating whether seatbelts were necessary flashed and went off, they were finally able to get off the plane.
Matt, who was awake by now, Max and Josh stood up and Max, being in the aisle seat, started moving out to get off the plane, Josh picked up his bag and started to move out, he let Aiden out in front of him and they walked along the aisle together.

“Guess I’ll see you at the show tomorrow then man?” Aiden’s voice barely audible over the other few hundred people moving around and conversing. Josh could tell Aiden was expecting rejection.

“Of course! I’ll make sure to find you! Are you staying in a hotel or what?” Josh’s voice still reeling, began to crack after speaking loudly for the first time in what felt like days.

“Eh, yeah, I’m stayin’ at… Oh god. What the hell was it called? I have no idea man, but look, here’s my number and you can call me or whatever. Okay?” Aiden’s voice got weaker as he made his way through that sentence. He took out a piece of paper from his bag, wrote his number on it and held it out to Josh.

“Sounds good! We gotta head now, call you later Aiden!” Josh placed his hand on his shoulder and turned to walk away and Aiden stood back to wait on whoever he was travelling home with. Josh seen his cheeks redden as another guy, a year or two younger than him met Aiden and they began to walk. Aiden looked as though he was going to faint, which made Josh’s heart flutter. This guy must really love us he thought as he moved further up the aisle.

“Bye Aiden!” Max turned around to shout in the direction of the boy and flail his arms in what probably was supposed to be a waving motion. Everyone else shouted their goodbyes to Aiden and he just waved and kept his head down. Did we embarrass him? Good. Josh thought as he stepped off the plane.

Woah. Josh had never felt heat like this; maybe jeans and hoodies were not the best travel clothes. He’d only been off the plane for a minute and he could already feel himself heating up and the beads of sweat on his forehead.

The other guys in the band were sweating too; it felt like they were standing in the middle of the desert. Even the wind was warm. There was no escaping the heat. He knew it was stupid, complaining of the heat, back home all anyone complains about is how horrible the weather is, whether it’s raining, snowing or just plain freezing, everyone moans about it.

They walked down the steps onto the ground, the first piece of American soil he’d even set foot on. The five boys walked together to the airport.

“Race you!” Dan had spoken for the first time since getting on the plane; Josh had guessed he just wanted to be consumed in whatever he was playing on his DS, probably Nintendogs knowing him. Josh laughed at that thought and replied:

“GO!” And they all made for the little door about two hundred metres in front of them. Josh pushed a few people out of his way and shoved Matt to the ground. He knew it was a low blow but Matt was fast and Josh couldn’t run the length of himself. He needed all the help he could get.

Max was gaining on Josh, he looked ready to kill. Josh changed direction and ran around a few older people who were muttering things like Kids today and How dare they? And Why are they running? Josh laughed to himself as he ran on. He seen Chis swing his arm around the door frame, he’d won, Dan arrived in next, and finally Josh made it to the door. Max and Matt arrived in at the same time; Max had stopped to help Matt up on the way.

Everyone else from the flight was still half way across, which meant the boys were able to get first pick at spots to get their bags and everything else you do at airports.

Once they got their bags, Dan called two taxis; they had guitars and the like with them. They waited around, bounding around like little kids on Christmas, for 30 minutes. The taxis arrived, they had a bit of trouble deciding who was going to go with who but in the end Josh, Max and Dan in one, along with two guitars and the thee boy’s cases, and in the other, Chris and Matt, the bass, cymbals and their cases.

The driver in Josh’s taxi had told Josh that the hotel, or ‘motel’ as he’d called it, was a 40 minute drive from the airport. He was not prepared for another 40 minutes journey. Fuck this shit. He thought as he stared out the window. Max and Dan were chatting excitedly about Warped and artists they might get to meet.

LA was a beautiful city. Busy at best, there were people everywhere. He couldn’t help but let his mind wonder to whether any of these people knew who he or the rest of the band were. Maybe they did. Suppose they didn’t. Warped would make sure they knew them afterwards.

He settled comfortably against his best friend’s bony shoulders and closed his eyes, dozing off listening to the LA accents on the stereo in the front of the taxi.

He woke up, again to Max prodding at his face. What a nice guy.

“Get up lazy arse! Why do always fall asleep when we’re almost where we’re supposed to be? That’s really dumb man.” Max was moving around, not even giving a Josh a chance to move his head, which made Josh fall to his left on the seat.

“You Fucker Max,” Josh laughed as he got out of the taxi that had stopped in front of a 6 storey building. He grabbed a guitar and his case out of the boot of the car and waited for Dan to pay the driver.

“This place is huge,” Dan stated, mesmerised by the lights and sprinklers that were next to the entrance.

“Ready?” Max asked as Josh and Dan looked as if they weren’t going to move from that spot. Josh took no notice of him and kept staring at the lights. Max grabbed his arm and began shaking him.

“Josh! Come on! We gotta get inside, Dan! You too bro’! I want to get out of this heat guys!” They made their way inside and were stopped in their tracks two steps in the door; this trip was going to be better than expected…

pairing: jack barakat/josh franceschi, pg-13, chaptered: set into motion, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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