Set Into Motion [20/?]

Jun 11, 2011 00:04

Title: Set Into Motion
Author: Kat; choosethebattle  
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Josh Franceschi (Branceschi apparently)
Summary: When Josh's band finally get a chance to play Warped Tour, he never thought it'd end like this.
Disclaimer: This is all false. All lyrics and other band shit belong to the respective band.
A/N: Hi new readers, I know a lot of you probably found this through what happened earlier in the week, but i don't care, because if you didn't like it, you wouldn't have read up until this point.



This is Loli's drawing, inspired by me, which completely flattered me.

The day before Josh and the guys left was an eventful one; Jack had planned for Josh and himself to spend the entire day together and go for a real date in a fancy restaurant, in formal clothes, and they’d drink champagne and act like a real couple for one night.

At 8am, Jack felt his phone vibrating next to his head, he slapped it a few times, and as well as the alarm stopping; the phone fell onto the floor, making him jump. Both boys were wrapped in the light sheets they’d found after misplacing the duvet in the direction of the bathroom last night.

The room was a state, there were empty bottles of Coors Light covering the coffee table, Jack counted at least twenty bottles, and so by the look of it, they were pretty wasted. He even spied two or three condom wrappers. So completely wasted.

“Jack?” Josh’s groggy voice paired with his beautifully soothing English accent took Jack by surprise. He’d never tire of hearing his voice, ever, it was so sexy without Josh even trying. But, he guessed, for the next few weeks, he’d have to settle for hearing it over the phone and on Skype.

“Baby, did I wake you?” Jack kissed the boy’s forehead softly, brushing his not quite clean hair off of his face. His eyes screwed up as he sat against the headboard, almost falling asleep again.

“No, no, it’s okay,” Josh kissed Jack’s lips swiftly before hopping out of bed, almost skipping to the bathroom, having to jump over evidence from last night, beer bottles, blankets, books, a few more blankets and other unrecognisable stuff before he got there, made harder by Jack chasing him. “I need to pee, leave me be for a second.”

“That’s cool, you want coffee?”

“Tea would be great actually,” Josh smirked at Jack, who almost giggled at the typical English lifestyle his boyfriend led, even after being away from home for god’s amount of weeks.

“Tea it is then, it’ll be ready in five,” Jack smiled at Josh, who closed the door softly behind him.

“Josh, come on, your tea’s getting cold,” Jack felt English even saying that, he didn’t even like tea much, but it was good for breakfast.

“I’m about to have a shower Jack.” The younger boy called from behind the door, his voice still sounded a little sleepy.

“But, Josh, I’ve made br-,” Josh cut him off.

“I didn’t say you couldn’t join me,” He opened the bathroom door, smirking at Jack, jerking his head, gesturing for him to come to the bathroom. Josh had on only boxers. The tan lines on his arms and neck were fading, now he was almost as pale as ever, just like Jack.

“Oh, oh…” Jack finally caught on to what the younger boy was getting at. Feeling dumb, he stepped over the obstacles between him and his boyfriend, pulling his sweats over his knee caps and stepping out of them.

Wasting no time, he kissed Josh deeply, with no rhythm, but that’s typically how it was with them when they were both horny as get out. Josh let him take advantage, knowing Jack wouldn’t give in, no matter how much he wanted to. They explored each other’s mouths for a few seconds before Jack took a chance, running his hands over the small of Josh’s spine before pinning his wrists to the wall behind them. Josh’s spine arched out from the wall, forcing the thin fabric of the boys’ boxers to rub together, their dicks were almost fully hard. The thin layer of clothing was becoming too much for either boy, Jack held Josh’s wrists with one hand while undressing them both.

“Jack, I, I’ve gotta turn on the, the shower, let my, my hands go,” Josh choked between kisses. Jack was teasing the other boy, rubbing himself tightly against him, ever so slightly grazing the tip with his. Josh tried to break Jack’s grip, giggling to himself when he couldn’t, Jack kissed the younger boy’s teeth before letting him go. He held onto the younger boy’s girlish hips, following him to the shower.

Pushing the button and turning the heat up, he barely had a chance to turn around before Jack had his tongue back down his throat. He didn’t bother pinning his hand back up; he was having too much fun allowing the younger boy to explore the boundaries of hot and wrong. Everything was hot, once he’d found Jack’s sweet spot, the older boy instantly whipped his head back, almost bucking into the younger boy as he bit down on his collarbone, toying between the fine line of pleasure and pain, again typical for them.

But Josh is supposed to be innocent, right? Wrong. Josh and Jack had made a silent agreement to have as much sex as possible in the few days they’d be together. And since today was the last full day they had to spend together, sex was acceptable at anytime, pretty much anywhere. The shower, for example.

“Josh,” Jack tried to push him back a little so he could speak without being distracted by him biting him pretty hard. When the boy finally did give, and pull back, Jack saw there were small purple splotches over the raised skin which would slowly turn into little bruises. There were spots of blood within the purple bruising, just pricks, which made everything that little bit hotter.

“Shhh,” Josh cooed, nipping his boyfriend’s lip softly before kissing him. Jack ran his fingertips over the back of the boy’s skinny thighs, holding him close to himself. He pulled the boy’s thighs up, pushing him against the cold wall in the shower, hot water still pouring over them. “Wait,” Josh pushed against Jack’s hands, which had almost pulled Josh off of the base of the shower. Josh pointed to the bag next to the shower, Jack unzipped, pulling out a bottle of clear, water-based lube and a condom in a purple wrapper.

He pulled the boy closer to him, water hitting their chests. He coated his fingers in a generous amount of lube, setting in on the shelf. Josh repositioned himself so Jack could easily pull him up against the wall. The younger boy wrapped his legs around Jack’s waist, who stepped closer to him. “Don’t,” Josh pulled back, biting hard behind the older boy’s ear, making his hips jut forward, “Don’t drop me.”

“I-I won’t,” Jack mumbled kissing the boy’s chest softly, following the water drops with his tongue. Both boys were soaked, their hair wet and the room was hotter than ever. “Ready?” He asked, pulling away from his chest. The younger boy nodded when he stopped biting on Jack’s neck. Over the last few days, Josh had apparently developed a thing for biting and nipping Jack, which was not unusual sometimes, but Jack seemed to be coming out in bruises every day now, which to both boys, was pretty hot.

Jack skipped one and pushed two fingers into his boyfriend, whose chest was pink from the heat of the water gushing onto them. The younger boy bit his lip, holding back something between a gasp and a moan. Jack scissored his fingers, moving Josh closer to him to piece their lips together, Josh bit back another moan, biting down a little too hard on Jack’s bottom lip, and before long, Jack could taste salt and copper on his tongue. Once Jack pushed a third finger into Josh, he could no longer hold back his voice. A moan erupted from deep within the younger boy’s chest, almost like a growl.

“You ready?”

“As ever,” Josh whispered, kissing Jack’s neck. Once Jack realigned himself with Josh, he pushed himself in. Josh contracted his muscles around him, his back arching. Josh was obviously, still not completely used to this, but they made it work. He eased the boy onto his dick, slowly at first, making the younger boy bite his lip hard, clenching his fists and every muscle in his body. Not long after, he finally began to relax, letting Jack do whatever he wanted.

“Fuck Ja-,” He cut himself off with a gasp. Jack had finally found his prostate. Once he realised, he stayed at that angle, a very awkward one at that, to keep repeatedly hitting it. Josh was putty in the older boy’s hands, with only the wall and Jack’s hands holding him up. Jack himself was pretty close, he closed his eyes, deepening into the boy every time, blinking, he was seeing white spots. He could feel a sort of boiling in his gut as he came into the younger boy, his vision, by now was whitened ever so slightly. He pulled out, discarding the condom next to the shower, making a mental note to throw it in the trash. The younger boy was leaned against the wall, his muscles tense. Jack took the boy’s dick in his hand, rubbing the head a few times, which was all that was needed for the boy to come over Jack’s hand. The younger boy smirked at him, winking. Jack rinsed his hand under the heated shower, which had filled the room with steam.



“Take a shower for God’s sake, you smell like sex.”
A/N2: How do feel about that kink? I like it, but I'm not sure you guys will. Let me know?

nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/josh franceschi, chaptered: set into motion

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