Set Into Motion [17/?]

May 13, 2011 20:30

Title: Set Into Motion
Author: choosethebattle  
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Josh Franceschi (Branceschi apparently)
Summary: When Josh's band finally get a chance to play Warped Tour, he never thought it'd end like this.
Disclaimer: This is all false. All lyrics and other band shit belong to the respective band.
A/N: I'm not exactly a big fan of this chapter, and those of you who talk to me regularly, will know how difficult it was for me to write.

You wouldn't believe this, but my tumblr link is still not working on here but it's:

Previous Chapters

There was barely a minute between falling onto the bed and Josh’s shirt coming over his head, the band of his sweatpants sitting low on his hips. Jack now had Josh’s arms pinned against the duvet, pressing slow kisses to the front of his neck. He could feel Josh’s warm breath on his forehead, making him inhale slowly. Jack kissed down Josh’s chest, feeling his lungs fill up with air.

The older boy traced his tongue over Josh’s nipple, making the boy’s hips arch; Jack whispered words that would most definitely not be classed as caste, into Josh’s chest, kissing every inch of the boy’s perfectly shaped body.

Josh’s hands were tracing Jack’s curved spine once Jack had eased his hold on the younger boy’s hands, lifting his shirt up as he did so, throwing it next to his own on the floor. Josh was unbuttoning Jack’s jeans before the shirt even hit the ground, he pulled them to him knees and the older boy shuffled out of them without breaking contact Josh’s chest. Jack pushed Josh’s hips against the bed, he guessed it may be a little painful, but he didn’t ease up.

“Jack…” Josh breathed, his breathing was uneven and his eyes were shut tight.

“Babe, you alright?” Jack stopped kissing Josh’s chest to look at the younger boy.

“Well, don’t stop that!” He smiled softly at Jack, kissing the top of his head and keeping his eyes closed. Jack continued to kiss the boy’s chest and torso. He kissed his prominent hip bones, that stuck out so much, they held his pants almost an inch above his boxers, the tight black band of which were inching lower every time he shuffled around.

Jack was kissing right above the waist band of his pants before Josh thought to take them off; he dropped them on the ground, along with his socks. His mind was buzzing; this was really happening, right?

The contact of the two boys’ skin proved too much for either to handle, making both boys hard in a matter of seconds. When Jack was kneeling either side of Josh’s hips, he started teasing the younger boy, rolling his hips back and forth over his boxers, making his own hips jerk forward. Jack was just doing what Josh said, taking it slow, he was almost torturing him though. Deciding he’d done enough, he moved his knees to the floor, Josh still lying on the bed. Jack started to pull Josh’s boxers from his hips, his back arching, and almost inaudible moaning coming from deep in his chest.

Jack tucked his fingers into the band of the younger boy’s boxers, pulling at the slightly, making Josh bite down hard on his lip, hard enough to tear the skin. He gasped as he tasted the tiny speck of blood on his lip. Jack pulled Josh’s boxers down to his thighs, revealing his hard on. Jack tore the boy’s boxer over his ankle, leaving them in the pile on the floor.

He ran his hands up Josh’s skinny thighs, teasing the skin right next to his dick, kissing the skin, making the younger boy moan quietly under his breath.

“You’re such a fucking tease man!” Josh said, making Jack smile into kissing the skin below the other boy’s navel.

“You said!” He stopped for a moment, “Nice and slow,” He winked at the younger boy, kissed his stomach again and stood up. Removing his boxers, even more unsexy than he ever thought was possible, he moved to sit next to Josh on the bed, who was now sitting up.

“Are you sure you’re re-,”

“Yes Jack, for the millionth time, this is exactly what I want, exactly like this, with you and no one else, happy?” Josh smiled encouragingly at Jack, kissing his lips for a long moment before pulling away. Jack leaned over the bed to find his backpack. He was sprawled across the bed with his head hanging over the edge and his hands in his backpack. Josh was resisting the urge to touch him, realising that he could, he was his boyfriend after all. He tickled the boy’s curved spine with his left fingers; Jack looked up, his teeth gleaming in a smile at Josh, who smiled back, just as big. He sat up straight again, lube and a condom in hand.


“Shh,” Josh whispered under his breath.

“But, are you sure?” Jack’s eyes looked overwhelmed with concern.

“I don’t know why you’re so worried about this, it’s not like you’re the virgin,” Josh breathed a laugh, and Jack relaxed a little. Josh took his hand, kissed it and let go, “It’s okay,” he breathed.

“Okay,” Jack whispered, uncapping the half empty bottle of clear water based lube. He squeezed an excessive amount onto his fingers while Josh climbed onto his lap. “Really?” Josh laughed softly, nodding his head.

Jack pushed one finger into the other boy. The other boy made a noise that would be considered somewhat embarrassing in any other circumstance. His whine last a few seconds, nodding his head after that. Pushing a second finger in, Josh’s whine became a lot more audible, nodding his head, his lip between his teeth, Jack began to scissor them, to stretch the other boy as best he could. He pushed a third finger in, Josh gasped, his muscles tensing around Jack’s fingers.

“It’s, it’s okay Jack, keep, keep going,” Josh murmured through uneven breath. Jack whispered an, “okay,” and pushed his fingers further into the boy, he searched for his prostate, but that would probably have to wait a few minutes. Once he pulled his fingers out of him, he wiped the lube off with tissues from the table next to the bed. He tore the condom wrapper open using his teeth and left hand. Rolling it onto in dick, while Josh moved around a little on Jack’s lap, he put his foot on the ground to support both boys.

Josh was inhaling evenly and deeply, his back arching as his lungs filled with air. Jack paused for a second to calm his own breathing, maybe too riled up to last very long. Josh looked round to smile at Jack, a reassuring smile, nodding his head. Jack nods back, smiling softly at the younger boy, whose eyes, despite assuring Jack he’s not nervous, were filled with concern.

“Ready babe?”

“As ever.”

“Hey, Josh?” Josh ‘hmm’ed in reply. “I love you.” Jack whispered and kissed the boy’s hair.

“I love you too babe,” Josh smiled, his eyes creasing a little.

“Here goes,” And with a breath, Jack positioned himself and pushed into Josh, the rings of muscle almost immediately tightened around Jack. “It’s okay baby, just relax,” and within a few seconds, Josh had in fact relaxed as much as he could.

The tightness around Jack’s hard dick made this experience all the more pleasurable for him, maybe not for Josh just yet though. There were a lot of almost inaudible moans from Josh; the boy was in a lot of pain. Understandable considering he was pretty much the most innocent guy or girl for that matter that Jack had ever slept with.



“You… You good?” Jack just about managed to get that question out before flinging his head back. Josh nodded him head slowly. Jack pushed slowly into the boy, and by the second thrust, Josh cried out in ecstasy.

“Oh fuck, Jack, fuck,” Josh breathed threw whines of pleasure. He pushed himself down onto Jack, “Jack, come on! Harder babe.”

Within a few minutes, both boys were panting for breath, barely able to stay up straight. Jack felt a heat in his stomach, almost a bubbling sensation, a kettle almost boiled. The feeling was becoming more and more intense as he rode the feeling out, made better by the sound of Josh’s moans and quiet screams each time Jack skimmed the boy’s prostate.

“Josh, I’m gon-,”

“You move, I’ll kill you,” Josh smiled, his face relaxing. Jack chuckled a little.

In a couple seconds, Jack was coming inside Josh, his eyes glazed white, all of the muscles in his body relaxed. He rode it out, until his vision cleared. Disposing of the condom into the waste bin next to the bed, he reached for Josh’s still hard cock, running his fingers up and down the underside, along the veins at the base, and using his thumb to caress the head. Not even twenty second after Jack, Josh came into Jack’s soft hands. Both boys collapsed onto the bed, Jack wiped his hand clean and slid his fingers into Josh’s, smiling at him.

“I love you Josh.”

“I love you too Jack, I’m really glad we did that,” Josh whispered, closing his eyes. Jack kissed the boy’s forehead and closed his own eyes, pulling a blanket over the two of them with his free hand.

For an hour, everything was okay, for an hour, Jack and Josh really were boyfriends, for an hour, both boys forgot about the drama of the evening and within said hour, both boys confessed their feelings for each other.

“How long is this cab going to take?” Flyzik asked Rian, both boys leaning on each other for support.

“I have… no idea, maybe we should walk, I want to sleep, c’mon,” Rian answered, already walking towards the hotel. “It’s only 10 minutes away anyway.”

“Well, okay,” By the time of the morning, all of the other guys were already back at the hotel, 3.30am.

“Ooh, Starbucks, let’s go!” Rian jumped up and down like a child in a candy shop before pulling Matt into the coffee shop. Once they’d ordered and left the building, they carried on walking down the road, Matt chatted to Rian, while Rian drank his coffee. They were about five minutes away when Rian saw four burly looking drunk guys staggering in the direction of the boys.

“Matt... Walk this way, come on,” Rian knew this was going to be trouble, pulling Matt towards a street to their left.

“But, the hotel’s that way,” Matt pointed forward, still oblivious to the threat the men posed. By the time Rian got Matt out of view from them, they had already noticed the apprehension they’d caused and were blocking the exit to the main road. Rian tried to get passed them but the tallest, threw him back against Matt.

“If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay there.”

“Man, come on, we’ve got to get back.”

“What has you two out so later anyway? On a date?” The, what seemed like, leader of the four laughed at his own joke and the others follow suite.

“Dude.” Rian tried to push past them again, holding onto Matt’s hoodie, ready to pull him along with him.

“I don’t think so sugartits,” The fatter man said again, he pushed Rian back against the wall, he pulled Matt with him, Matt’s head hit the bricks behind him, he cried out in pain, putting his hands near his head. “Aww, did that hurt?” He walked to stand in front of Matt, towering over the boy’s 5 foot 7.

Matt turned his head so as to not look the man in the eye, he looked at Rian with glossy eyes, pleading for help without saying a word but Rian was being held again the wall by the three other men, his eyes also looking around for help.

“You’re both going to,” The man kneed Flyzik’s crotch, “Stay,” Elbowed him in the stomach, “Here,” Pushed his head again the wall, “And if we see you again, you will be dead,” But as soon as Matt’s head contacted the wall, he was unconscious, Rian screamed his name but one of the other men kneed his crotch, making him keel over.

“But… Why?”

“Because your boyfriend’s too gay for his own good, you faggot.”

“But, neither of us are even gay you ass hole!”

“So you say. Tell fucking anyone and you’re fucking dead,” And the four men turned out of the street and went back the same way they came.

For the first time, Rian looked down and Matt, he was surrounded by a puddle of blood, seemingly dripping from his ears and nose. Rian bent down, tapped him, no response. Slapped his cheek, no response. He rummaged around in his pocket for his mobile, dialling 911, his breathing quickened.

“Hello, 911, what’s your emergency?”

“Hi, erm, My, eh, my friend, he’s, he’s unconscious, someone’s beaten him, he bleeding and I can’t wake him up, please help him,” There were tears forming in his eyes.

“Okay pet, don’t worry, someone’s on their way, but I’m going to stay on the line, do you know where you are?”

“Eh, the hotel we’re staying at is on 23rd, and we’re about five minutes away, so, 23rd, yeah, we’re there. What can I do to help my friend Miss?”

“Well, if you can, turn him into the recovery position, and keep talking to him, about anything, just talk,” The lady’s voice was soothing, almost like a mother’s. Rian was glad she was on the other end of the line.

“Okay, I can do that, but, how long will we have to wait for an ambulance?” Rian’s voice was becoming more exasperated as he turned Matt’s body around on the warm ground.

“You’re pretty close, so only a few minutes, I promise.”

After a few minutes of talking to Matt, the ambulance arrived, they checked him over, his heart was still beating, he was still breathing, although he had a nasty gash on the back of his head, and his ears and nose were still dripping ith blood. They gave Rian a quick look over, but about from a few friction burns on his wrist, he was fine. He sat in the back of the ambulance with Matt the whole way to the hospital but once they got there, he was told to wait in the waiting room. He took out his phone to call the guys.

“Did you fuck him?” The boys were all in the bigger room, almost like a sleepover, there were blankets and pillows and tins of soda and bags of chips and everything. Max, Josh, Zack and Chris were watching a film, but Max interrupted to ask Josh a question.

Josh smiled at him, saying, “That is none if your business.”

“Of course he didn’t, I know Jack, obviously, Jack fucked him!” Zack chirped in, pausing the film, getting a look from Chris that would kill.

“Drop it guys, please,” Josh’s face was scarlet as he trained his eyes to the last chapter of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. He was three pages away from having to find a new book to read.

“Hey, do you guys want anything to drink?” Jack called to the boys from the table he was sat at with Evan, Vinny and Alex, who was staring contently at the front page of the newspaper, obviously not reading it.

“No, we’re good, thanks,” Max said back, smiling at Jack.

“Alex? What about you?” Alex looked up from the paper.

“Hmm? What?”

“A drink Alex, do you want a drink?”

“Oh, eh, no thanks,” His tone was cold and cut the conversation. That was the most he’d spoken to Jack all evening.

He heard his phone ringing from under the blankets next to the Tv, Josh lifted it, looked at the caller ID and tossed it to Jack.

“It’s Rian.”

“Hey Rian, what’s up? Eh, oh God, is everything okay? Oh shit, okay, we’ll be there as soon as we can,” Jack closed his phone over and stood still.

“Jack?” Josh whispered, everyone else was quiet.

“Flyzik’s in the hospital, it’s pretty bad guys.”


A/N2: I'm going to be taking a break for a while, I've got exams coming up and I've really got to study, I'll be back as soon as they're over though, promise.

nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/josh franceschi, chaptered: set into motion, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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