Set Into Motion [11/?]

Apr 07, 2011 07:35

Title: Set Into Motion
Author: choosethebattle  
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Josh Franceschi And Jalex
Summary: When Josh's band finally get a chance to play Warped Tour, he never thought it'd end like this.
Disclaimer: This is all false. All lyrics and other band shit belong to the respective band.
A/N: So this chapter is a little sloppy, i've never written anything like this before, but yeah. I'm open to criticism.

Previous Chapters

You Me At Six played at five that night, an hour later than usual, and All Time Low at seven, as the had done the last few days. Josh was still amazed at how many people actually knew their songs and recognised his face. At this particular show, a girl was almost in tears in a picture with him, he was super flattered.

It was 6.30pm, thirty minutes before Josh had to go on stage and sing for Alex, and well, he was effectively, ‘shitting himself,’ Alex was in bed, on the bus tonight, he was still too ill to keep his eyes open for any length of time, since Jack, Rian and Zack had to play now, Matt and Chris went to keep Alex company until the guys were finished.

“You ready bro’?” Jack put his hand on Josh’s shoulder and he turned around, feeling rather ill himself. “Don’t worry, you’ll be great, and if you’re not, well, Flyzik’s always here. No, I’m kidding, you’ll sing perfectly, just like Alex does, please don’t stress,” He giggled a little, kissing Josh’s forehead for a long moment, “Okay, we gotta get set.”

“Shit…” Josh’s breathing started to become heavier and heavier with every moment passing, by the time they reached the stage, he could barely catch his breath, with nine minutes to go, he sat next to the stage with Max while the All Time Low guys got set up.

“Joshie, you’ll be fine! Please chill out,” Max kissed Josh’s head and stood up, “You’re up! We’ll be right here, good luck man!” He winked at him and pulled him into a hug, Rian called to Josh to get ready and Max went to sit back down with Dan.

Jack lifted Josh’s hand a little, “I’m just going to go warn everyone about you and your greatness, okay? I’ll be back in a sec,” and he left.

Okay guys, I have an announcement, so shut the fuck up for a minute. Alex is really ill, he’s in bed with what we think is tonsillitis, so for the next few shows, starting today, our good friend Josh from You Me At Six will be filling in most songs, with Matt Flyzik and Zack over here helping him out, so, that’s it, we’ll be on in a few, be nice to him, he’s only little!

And Jack came back off stage, swinging his arms a little, with a slight skip in his step.

“Someone’s excited!”

“Well, yes! You get to play with us tonight, that’s gonna be pretty great, I’m just having an exceptionally good day, okay?” He leaned down to kiss Josh quickly, grabbed a guitar and stood along side Zack, they played the beginning of Six Feet, just as they have for the rest of the tour, Josh took a deep breath and walked out after them, he didn’t have a guitar; Matt was standing side stage playing what would be Alex’s part.

Shit shit shit shit, was all Josh could think while the other boys played the intro of the song. Here we go.

“Time to lay claim to the evidence,” Josh couldn’t help but smile now, at least he’d been able to sing the first line; maybe this wouldn’t be too hard. And it proved to be pretty easy, the crowd seemed to like it, the rest of the band were playing fantastically well, and Jack had even kissed Josh on stage, but it was just in keeping with the ‘Jalex’ routine the crowd are so used to seeing.

Once the set was over, the crowd went a little mental, but Zack said that wasn’t out of the ordinary, he was smiling today, a lot. ‘Maybe there’s a girl’ Josh thought as they stepped off stage together. He saw Max running towards him, he had a huge grin on his face as he caught up to Josh.

“You did so good Joshie!” He pulled Josh into a tight hug and kissed his forehead, “I knew you could do it!” He let go and went to go talk to Rian and Zack.

“Hey,” Josh spun around to see Jack standing in front of him, beaming down at the younger boy’s face. Without another word, he covered Josh’s tacky cheeks with his slightly sweaty hands and kissed the boy’s upper lip, he bit down a little, where it was ever so slightly more pain that pleasure for a second. Josh, knowing Jack would do it anyway, slid his tongue next Jack’s and before long, they were exploring each other’s mouths. Josh heard Zack and Dan ask ‘what the hell this was’ but the two other boys must’ve shrugged it off because there was no reply. Jack broke the kiss, “You were awesome today babe, I’m glad you decided to sing.”

“Me too Jack, I had a great time,” Josh ran his hand through his hair, which was sweaty and badly needed cut, he subconsciously made a note to ask Kara what she knew about hairdressing when they got back to the bus later.

“Okay, I’ll be back in ten minutes, I’m gonna go see how Alex is, stay right here though,” Jack kissed the shorter boy’s cheek and took off in a quick walk. He saw Dan half skipping towards him.

“You completely fucking tore it up man!” He wrapped his arms around Josh, jumping; he wrapped his long legs around his waist. “But, bro’, what the fuck is going on with you and Jack?” He jumped down as he asked the question, his head cocking a little to the left.

“Honestly, I haven’t the foggiest Dan, I really haven’t,” Josh said, turning his back to find a bottle of water, finding a bottle of vitamin water, he twisted the cap, sipped it and put it back down. “We’re just having a bit of fun I guess, and I know Jack has Alex and whatever, but I don’t know, it’s, it’s complicated, but right now, I’m just going with whatever happens.”

“Fair enough - Hey, there’s Jack, eh, guess I’ll see you later then,” and he went to find Matt and Chris, who were stuck on the bus with Alex.

“Hey there stranger,” Jack said, after three steps, his steps were longer than the average person, maybe 4 feet or so. He kissed Josh’s forehead and the younger boy smiled back. “Alex says congratulations or what sounded like it anyway, he’s getting a little better, he can drink stuff now without feeing awful, so he won’t be sick for as long as we thought, it probably isn’t tonsillitis, maybe just a throat infection, he’ll be fine though.”

“That’s good, but for now, does that mean, we have a little time to ourselves?” Josh pushed himself into Jack, up against the back of the speakers, whispering into his neck, breathing all heavy and deep.

“I guess so Josh,” Jack obviously got the message and kissed Josh with certain urgency. Wasting no time, he drove his tongue into Josh’s mouth, the younger boy put up no fight to let Jack win dominance over him. Jack’s right hand was on Josh’s chest, in which his heart was fluttering, and his left running through the younger boy’s hair, messing it up a little. Josh’s hands were on the taller boy’s hips, guiding them with his own, grinding them together, moving in slow circles.

“You okay with this?” He whispered into Jack’s mouth, Jack barely stopping flicking his tongue against Josh’s to breathe a ‘yes.’ Slowly, they ended up between two stacked speakers.

Jack’s hand moved slowly down from Josh’s chest. Josh felt the older boys hand slide over his belt buckle, halting at the crotch of his jeans. Not once did Jack break the kiss though, keeping Josh entertained for a good ten minutes without stopping for a breath. After taking a few seconds, Jack plunged back into kissing the younger boy, his hand still resting by the crotch of his jeans.

Once they’d got back into the rhythm of the kiss, fast paced, with a little too much teeth, Jack’s left hand started to pull at Josh’s hair a bit to hard, making him whine into Jack’s teeth.

“D’you want this Josh? Hmm?” Jack whispered through the kiss, breathing heavily.

“Fuck, yes,” Josh almost pleading with the taller boy, his knees weakening as Jack applied slight pressure with his right hand. Josh’s hips jerked forward, causing Jack to knock back into the speakers.

“Jack…” Josh started, but Jack wasn’t paying attention, he was too busy trying to undo Josh’s belt buckle, fumbling around. It takes him a good six or seven minutes to finally get the clasp free of the leather around Josh’s girlish hips. Josh has to pull back for a second to swallow a lungful of air, Jack’s lips curled into a smirk before locking his lips with Josh’s again.

“Are you… Are we… are we really going to do this? Here?” Josh pulled away again, almost breathless. Jack opened his eyes.

“Eh, it’s probably not a good idea I guess,” he started to do Josh’s zip and belt up again but Josh put him hand to Jack’s;

“Fuck it,” Josh pressed his mouth against Jack’s again and loosened the belt again, rubbing his hands against Jack’s, head tilting back while Jack dragged his teeth along Josh’s bottom lip, mixed with a lot of ‘oh’s and ‘eugh’s, Josh somehow managed to form a sentence, “Stop fooling around Jack, just do it, it’s okay, I promise.”

Jack finally made a move, gripped Josh’s hair tight and slid his other hand over the button on Josh’s jeans, unbuttoning it, he heard Josh moan a little, the younger boy reached down to unzip the fly of his jeans. Josh pulled down the neck of Jack’s t-shirt, placing his lips around the taller boy’s prominent collarbone.

Jack’s moans were quiet but really fucking sexy, coming back down to earth, he whispered, “Josh, no, Ale-,”

“He’s not going to see it Jack, you know it,” Josh sucked on his collarbone; Jack could feel the pressure, and the blood rushing to the spot where Josh’s tongue was sweeping across above the other boy’s chest.

Jack’s head was tilted back but he still managed to play around a bit with his fingers gently along Josh’s now, what felt to Jack, half hard dick through the younger boy’s jeans. It was barely thirty seconds before Josh started to pull Jack’s hips down to his level, and lower than that. Did Josh really want Jack to do this, here? Guess so. Jack was on his knees; Josh’s hands were now leaning on the waist height speaker behind him, his head tilted back, biting his bottom lip.

Jack’s fingers completely undo the buttons and the zip on the front of Josh’s jeans, pulling them down along with his boxers, Jack clasped his hand in a ring around the base of the younger boy’s cock. Jack could hear Josh’s short, quiet moans coming from the base of his chest. Jack began to move his hand ever so slowly up to the tip.

“Ja…-,” Josh tried to speak, but Jack put a little pressure on Josh, which cut him off.

“You want it baby?” Jack was admittedly, a little too horny to walk away from this. ‘Just do it, stop thinking’ he thought as he heard Josh whisper, ‘yes Jack,’ Jack took the boy’s now hard dick in his mouth, teasing him by using excessive amounts of tongue around the head was making Josh writhe in pleasure standing above Jack. His hands now pulling at Jack’s hair, a little too tight, Jack didn’t mind though.

Josh moved his hands around the back of Jack’s head, guiding him into this. He pushed his head a little faster, in the rhythm to the drum beat of the band on stage at that minute. Suddenly both boys were very aware of how public this place was, even though they were in the side tent between two speakers, they both, in their heads decided to make this quick. Jack, now running his tongue along the underside of the younger boy’s dick at a fairly fast pace, lifted his hands and placed them around Josh, applying pressure and using his teeth a little, causing more pain than pleasure, Jack knew Josh was into it, the younger boy’s moans were getting increasing loud.

“Jack, I’m, I’m…” Jack pulled away and the younger boy came next to the speaker and over Jack’s left shoulder. Josh stood for a bit with his hands through Jack’s hair, eyes closed in his own ecstasy.

He released Jack’s hair from his fingers and did his jeans up again. He plunged into his pocket getting a pack of tissues.

“Eh, here you go man,” handing Jack a few tissues to clean himself up. Josh put his hoodie back on and rolled the sleeves up, “Eh, so…”

“Yeah… Erm, what the hell did we just do?”

“Well, eh, isn’t it kind’a obvious Jack?”

“You know what I mean Josh, not that it wasn’t fucking incredible or anything though,” Jack smiled warmly at Josh, who hooked his lips into a smile back.

“Guys, where the hell have you been?” They boys heard Max calling from their right. If only he had been a minute earlier. Max always did have incredible timing.

“Oh, eh, we’re coming now, what’s the rush?”

“Nothing, we were just looking for you, but don’t mind me.” And he left, “We’re on the bus anyways, when you’re ready.”

“You ready bro’?”

“Sure I am,” Josh replied and kissed his lips lightly, taking his hand, messing with his fingers. He decided seeing as they were going to the bus, holding hands was not a good idea.

And they half skipped the whole way to the bus, today had been a good day for everyone. Except for Jack’s boyfriend.

nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/josh franceschi, chaptered: set into motion, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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