That Thing You Do [s/a]

Oct 23, 2011 19:16

Title:  That Thing You Do.
Author: Kat;choosethebattle
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
Summary: "What for Jack? I’m not going to let you tease me like that and get away with it."
Disclaimer: This is all false. All lyrics and other band shit belong to the respective band.
A/N: Two oneshots in a week? I'm not concentrating on school hard enough. Oh well :3


"Taxi!” Alex almost had to scream over the rain beating onto every surface in the busy, despite the rain, street, his hair was soaked, slicked to his face, every layer of clothing he had on was dripping cold water down his body, making him shiver uncontrollably. Jack on the other hand was holding his coat over his head to protect his ‘precious’ hair, and face, and evidently part of his shirt. But his jeans were soaking, and his bare arms had goose bumps and resembled a hedgehog the way the hairs were sticking up. His back quivered more often than it should with the cold, and in the twenty minutes the pair had been shouting for a taxi, they both had convinced themselves that they were developing hypothermia.

“Fuck! Just stop for one second you fucking assholes, it’s your fucking job!” Alex was screaming after a yellow cab that had passed them relatively quickly, splashing dirty rain water at the pair.

“Alex, calm down, we’ll get one!” Jack half shouted into Alex ear before holding is hand out to another taxi driving by, and almost stepping in front of it.

“Jack, be careful, he’s not going to stop!” But sure enough, the cab stopped and the pair were able to jump in quickly and as soon as the door was shut, the driver because to accelerate. Inside the taxi, the heater was on, making the windows foggy, and the perfect canvas for Jack to draw crude pictures on before the cabbie looked at him sternly. Alex could feel his hair drying against his face already, but him jeans were so wet, they were stuck to his legs, and his underwear was stuck, pretty unpleasantly to him too.

“Here,” Jack passed Alex a tissue to wipe his face with, to take the excess rain away at least, but Alex wiped the tissue against his jeans, obviously trying to make them fit looser, wet jeans were not comfortable at all. “I can help you with that,” Jack whispered quietly into Alex’s ear, before placing his hand onto Alex’s sodden jeans, squeezing his thighs slightly before biting his lip seductively, pulling his hand away and running it through his relatively dry hair.

“Hey, that’s not fair,” Alex’s fingertips traced where Jack’s hands had been seconds ago, before looking into the younger boys dark brown puppy dog eyes, and smirking softly and averting his gaze quickly. He knew Jack’s game, and he wanted to play.

“Where are you headed guys?” The taxi driver interrupted loudly before looking into the rear view mirror at Alex.

“North 14th off Barrington on the east side of the river,” Alex retorted, smiling sweetly.

“That’s going to cost you a lot in this weather boy.”

“That’s alright, carry on,” Alex replied slowly before looking at Jack’s fingers creeping back along Alex’s red jeans, the colour of which would probably be all over the underside of the backseat of the cab. “Jack, no.”

“No? Fine,” He winked at Alex before proceeding to look increasing smug.

“Not that,” Alex rested his own hand on Jack’s equally saturated legs. Jack smiled an ‘I knew that’ kind of smile before twisting as fall round as he could to face Alex. He slid his hand up the coloured jeans, producing an unmerciful squeak from them, making Alex puff a chuckled before closing his lips tightly.

Jack smiled to himself before lightening up with the pressure he was putting on Alex’s leg and tracing softly from his lower thigh until he was almost at his crotch. Alex was already squirming under him, his muscles contracting and relaxing before Jack had even started with him.

“Alex, be careful, he’ll see you,” Jack whispered before stealing a look at the driver, who was oblivious to everything to two boys were doing. Jack’s fingers traced the stitching of Alex’s jeans, his fingers were effectively ‘walking’ the way he was moving.

Alex’s eyes fluttered closed when Jack reached the chrome coloured belt buckle on his jeans. His own hands trying to grip the seat under him.

“Jack,” Alex’s voice was soft, and cracking under the strain of the whisper.

“What Alex? What else could you possibly want?” Jack breathed heavily into the other boy’s ear. He toyed with the belt buckle before tracing his fingers further down the zip, carefully following the black thread stitching. Alex’s hips bucked slightly before Jack’s right hand moved hold them down, “No, you have to stay still,” Jack smirked at the image of the boy, already a mess before Jack had even done anything.

Jack tightened his hands over Alex’s wet jeans. They stuck to the older boy’s legs, probably making this whole thing incredibly uncomfortable for him. Jack could feel the slickness of the wet clothing on Alex’s skin, it was sort of, hot, it a weird way for Jack. He feel that telltale twitch under the fabric between Jack’s hand and Alex’s skin.

And once Jack looked up at Alex’s face, he smiled slightly in delight; Alex’s was biting down hard on his lip, his eyebrows knitting together. His chest was rising and caving in rhythmically that almost calmed Jack right down.

“J-Jack we’re almost here, but…” Alex trailed off when Jack applied a lot of pressure to Alex’s crotch before moving himself away, and paying the driver.

“Come on Alex,” Jack winked at him and jumped out of the taxi, back into the rain, followed quickly by a slightly dazed Alex. Jack grabbed his hand and ran to the end of the street, turning left and huddling under the umbrella covering a table in front of a Starbucks. “Are you ready to run across when the road’s clear?” Jack’s voice was broken up from trying to regain his breath.

“Yep, just hurry,” Alex breathed, and before he was able to relax, Jack pulled his hand across the road to the hotel they were staying in that weekend. The soft, red carpet was becoming waterlogged from both boys walking over it, earning them disapproving looks from every member of staff the entire way to the sixth floor, second room on the left, number 103.

“Take your shoes off when you get i-,” Jack was cut off by Alex’s lips pressing against his own; a second after the bolt had been unlocked. Alex pushed Jack into the room, kicking the door closed behind him. “Alex, wait.”

“What for Jack? I’m not going to let you tease me like that and get away with it,” Alex pushed Jack hard onto the soft silk blankets on the bed before bit his lip. Jack took that as an opportunity to regain control over the older boy. He twisted his body awkwardly so he was kneeling over the older boy’s vulnerable body. Both boys were still soaked through, and the friction of wet clothes was not a nice feeling, nor did it add anything to the atmosphere.

Jack, with a lot of effort, pulled Alex’s jeans off of his slick legs while the older boy was distractingly trying to pull Jack’s shirt over his head and running his hands through the younger boy’s wet hair.

After a good five minutes of both boys awkwardly tugging at each others wet clothes, the new skin contact was a welcome thing for the pair.

“J-ack,” Alex moaned into Jack’s collarbone while the younger boy was tugging at Alex’s hair quite tightly.

Jack moved his hands slowly; tracing the veins is Alex’s chest, his soft touch, almost like tickle. Pressing lightly onto Alex’s hips made the boy’s whole body quiver before tensing again.

“You want it baby?” Jack whispered, his fingers following the V from Alex’s hips. Alex nodded his head slightly. Jack loved this look in Alex’s eyes, the look of pure want and lust, if he could keep that look in his eyes forever, he’d never look away. “You, you have to ask for it.”

“I-I want it Jack,” Alex squeaked before Jack pushed himself down so he was at a teasing kind of level. “Jack, come on!” Alex was pleading with him now, God, that boy really did want this.

“Well, Alex?”

“Hmm?” Alex’s lip was bleeding from his own teeth biting into it.

“You’re just going to have to wait. Psych, completely.” Jack smiled to himself before dancing to the bathroom.

“I hate you Jack, I really do.” Alex pouted at Jack before Jack closed the door of the bathroom.

“You’re definitely not getting any with that attitude!”

nc-17, author: choosethebattle, oneshot, standalone, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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