I've Got Another Confession To Make [s/a]

Sep 21, 2011 22:18

Title: Set Into Motion
Author: Kat;choosethebattle
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth
Summary: "That’s where our apartment is, the one of the left, the top window, do you see it?”
Disclaimer: This is all false. All lyrics and other band shit belong to the respective band.
A/N: Um, so I've been gone for a while, I'm sorry if this isn't up to scratch, it's only about 1k anyways, just go with it.


“Morning,” Jack smiled through the window of him front door at Alex’s pink face. The snow was at least a foot deep, and when Jack opened the door, the wind blew a gust of cold air and a few snowflakes into the hall.

“Morning,” Alex inhaled the warm air inside the house, his chest was wheezing a little from the sudden heat, and lack thereof outside. Alex kicked his shoes off beside the cream painted radiator and shook his wet coat before hanging in on the hat stand next to the door. He bounced up the stairs after regaining feeling in his toes, after Jack, twisting and climbing the wooden ladder to the attic room.

“Look,” Jack pointed out the skylight window to the buildings on the south side of the house, “That’s where our apartment is, the one of the left, the top window, do you see it?” Jack’s smile was stretching over his face, causing creases in his eyes that looked like ‘crow’s feet.’

“Jack, I can’t see anything, the clouds are too low, I’ll see it when the snow goes away, or you know, when we move in,” Alex’s teeth flashed slightly before kissing Jack’s warm cheek.

Jack hoped to the door of his room, and down the ladder. Alex peered down the steps, only to see Jack’s smiling face staring at him, waving his arms to make him come down stairs. They were both sat at the kitchen table, drinking cocoa from mugs shaped like Tinkerbell and Peterpan, Jack and May’s. Joe’s one was shaped like Wendy, in a blue night dress, looking windswept.

“I have an idea, come on,” Jack leaned on Alex’s lap to get up from the chair, picking up the two empty mugs before walking out to the hall, followed timidly by Alex. Jack pulled his shoes on without sitting, resulting in him bouncing around on one foot until Alex put his hands on the younger boy’s hips.

“Don’t fall over please,” He smirked, “What’re we doing anyway?” Alex followed Jack’s lead, putting his shoes on anyway, as well his, now dry windcheater.

“I can’t tell you, it’s a secret, now let’s go!” Jack pulled Alex’s hand out the door, into the snow. Both boys were almost immediately hit with the cold, and instinctively stuffed their hands in their pockets.

“Are we walking somewhere Jack?” Jack just nodded, pulling Alex’s arm next to his own. Alex was still confused as to where they were going. “Ja-ack, just tell me, please? I’m freezing my butt off here!”

“Okay, erm, wait, no, we’re almost there, suck it up,” Jack smirked before yanking Alex’s arm, causing him to fall forward a little, resulting in him bare hands becoming imbedded in the deep, frost covered snow.

“See what you did, fuck, my hands,” Alex whined, looking at his bright red hands, which he swore were going blue.

“Personally, I don’t really want to fuck your hands right now, maybe later, but, if you let me see them, maybe I can kiss them better or something?” Jack took Alex’s hands carefully fro in front of the older boy, blowing lightly on his fingers, making him giggle a little and wiggle the tips of his fingers. “They’re not broken or frostbitten or anything fatal, they’re just cold,” Jack rubbed his own hands against Alex’s before kissing them softly.

“Thanks, but they still hurt,” Alex frowned at Jack, who took his gloved off his own hands, placing them on Alex’s numb fingers.

“There’s now you won’t be cold anymore,” Jack grinned at Alex, but he could already feel his fingers numbing.

“Thanks Jack, but seriously, where are we going?”

“Okay, we’re here,” Jack tried to walk a little faster than Alex, and stopped outside a peach pained building.

“It’s, it’s the apartment building Jack, what’re we doing here?”

“You haven’t seen inside yet, Alex, come on, I have the key,” The boys walked slowly up the stairs to the first floor before waiting on the elevator to the eighth floor, room 8B. “After you.”

“Thanks,” Alex stepped into the room, it was cold, not that he’d expected it to be warm, there was no one in it at the minute.

“So…?” Jack bit his lip, staring intently at Alex, who was walking around the living room, staring at the furniture and the paintings and everything in there.

“I- I love it Jack, this is ours?” Alex smiled, his eyes glittering.

“Of course it is,” Alex walked cautiously across the room, looking at Jack, who was staring out the window at the snow falling on the skylight window. He pulled his gloved off, setting the in the table next to the sofa, and taking Jack’s hands.

“I love it so much Jack,” Alex kissed the other boy’s lips softly at first, biting at his lower lip quickly, his teeth scraping along his skin. Alex’s hands were lost in Jack’s, both boys subconsciously trying to heat their hands up. Jack inhaled quickly before allowing his shoulders to relax, pulling the other boy closer to him. The kiss, that particular one, was like two pieces in a puzzle, finally fitting perfectly together, the boys just went together, they knew exactly how to do what the other liked. Alex bit down on Jack’s lip again before pulling away.

“So you really like it then?” Jack stared at him, an almost guilty expression plastered to his face.

“I love it, when can we move in?”

author: choosethebattle, pg-13, standalone, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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