At Least We're Alive [6]

Aug 27, 2011 13:32

Title: At Least We're Alive
Author: Kat; choosethebattle
Rating: PG-13 (this chapter)
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Jack hasn't spoken to anyone since the beginning of Freshman year, Three months into Sophomore year, everything is beginning to make sense.
Disclaimer: False, i don't own anything except the plot.
A/N: So, this is it for the fic, I'm just trying to relieve myself from most things before school starts, I'll still be writing one shots and that, but for now, I can't start writing new chaptered fics just yet.

Previous Chapters

“Merry Christmas Mom,” Alex said, passing her a box with a purple bow attached to it.

“Thank you sweetie,” Isobel smiled, taking the lid off, revealing a peach, pleated dress and few bars of Herseys chocolate, her favourite. Alex had bought his dad a few movies and he’d made him a scrapbook of his family, for which Peter was very grateful.

“Mom, you didn’t have to-.”

“Oh shush, it’s Christmas, of course we did!” Alex opened the little yellow box that had a tag hanging from the corner. What lay in the yellow cushioned part of the box was the last thing Alex expected, car keys.

“Wh-,” Alex cut himself off to stand and run to the window, only to find a brand new, fire truck red BMW, the hood of which was covered in snow. “Ohmygodthankyousomuchyoureallydidn’thavetodothatbutthankyou,” Alex rushed out before pulling both of his parents into a tight hug, kissing both of their foreheads.

“Alex, Alex, sweetie, it’s no problem, just go get breakfast ready, would you?” Isobel stood before Alex, lifting the remains of the wrapping paper from the gifts the three had exchanged.

“Do you mind if I make eggs, mom?”

“Of course not, just don’t make a mess.”

After breakfast, Alex took the keys from the counter in the kitchen and ran upstairs. Checking his phone before sitting on the edge of the bed, there was a text from Jack:

Merry Christmas Alex, call me when you’ve got time, Jack x

Still in his night clothes, he dialled Jack’s number, holding the phone close to his ear.

“Hey you.”

“Merry Christmas Jack, what’re you up to?”

“Eh, we’ve just finished opening presents.”

“Oh yeah? Anything good?”

“I’ll show you later, you are coming round before dinner, right?”

“Yepp, I’ve just to get ready, then I’ll come up,” Alex stood up to open the wardrobe.

“Okay, see you then Alex, bye.”

“Bye Jack,” Alex pulled out a pale blue button up shirt, and a slightly darker, slim tie, and a pair of black jeans. He combed hair already straightened hair, shaping it and spraying it with an inordinate amount of hairspray, and was almost ready to go. He’d just to find a pair of shoes to wear that wouldn’t get ruined in the snow, which my this stage in the winter, was always a hard task.

“I’m going to see Jack, mom, I’ll be back before dinner, call me!” Alex called before walking out the door.

“Be careful on the road sweetie, it’s icy!”

Alex tried to move as much of the snow of the bonnet before climbing into the new car, the smell of which was refreshing.

Pulling up at the top of the road, where Jack’s house stood, all the curtains still pulled, both Jack and May’s cars in the driveway, covered in snow. When he closed and locked the door of his own car, the curtains in Jack’s room twitched before he saw his boyfriend’s face peering out the window.

“Merry Christmas,” Jack said, opening the door, allowing Alex to come in from the snow after kicking his shoes off.

“You too,” Alex smiled; kissing Jack’s lips lightly, “I’ve got presents for you guys, come on.”

“Thanks kid,” May smiled at the rectangular box, which held a while gold bracelet, laid on a red velvet pillow. May reached over the floor to hug Alex tightly, kissing his forehead, making him screw his face up.

The only presents left to exchange were Jack and Alex’s to each other. While Jack carefully removed the tape from the festive paper, Alex was chewing on his lip, not knowing whether Jack was going to appreciate his presents or not. But when Jack finally took the paper away from the gifts, his face lit up, letting Alex know that from what he saw, he really liked.

The first thing he picked up happened to be the new Jimmy Eat World record, Chase This Light, smiling down at it, then looking up at Alex, his smile widening.

After looking at the cologne, books, and a few rare-ish comic books Alex had managed to find, Jack picked up the sleeve of a 12” record that Alex had searched everywhere for, Take Off Your Pants And Jacket, vinyl. Jack looked at Alex, his mouth open, he leaned over to hug him, hovering in front of his lips for a second before coming to his senses - parents - and hugging Alex tightly.

After they’d cleaned up and had some coffee, May and Joe went outside to make snow angels, and Jack and Alex went to Jack’s room to watch Panic Room, a film Jack had gotten Alex. The boys barely made it to the top of the stairs before Jack pulled Alex’s waist back to kiss him hard.

“Careful, don’t play on the stairs!” Alex laughed before trying to open the door to Jack’s room, stepping over the last stair, backwards.

“You’re going to fall, turn around Alexander,” Jack smiled cheekily before turning Alex around, still holding his waist. The two boys fell into Jack’s room, giggling at each other. Jack clicked the disc from the case, almost skipping to the TV.

“Wait,” Alex said, pulling Jack’s wrist back, kissing him sloppily, and pulling him back onto the bed. Jack quickly began kissing him back, his right hand resting lightly on Alex’s chest, his left leaning on the pale green sheets. Alex quickly took technical hold of Jack, who never really did put up much of a fight for dominance. He bit Jack’s lip a little, which made Jack pull away to smile a little, then kiss Alex back again.

“A-Alex, I really want to put this movie on, give me one second,” Jack smirked turning away, only for Alex to slap his ass hard, holding a smirk of his own between his dimples.

“Come back here Jacky,” Alex whispered, his voice muffled by the pillow he was holding.

By the end of the film, the pair ended up covered in blankets on the floor, Alex’s legs covered Jack’s, who’s legs were stretched out in front of him.

“Hey Alex?” Jack turned to the older boy just before the credits began to roll, and Alex looked at him, his eyes were glittering, his smile lit up his face.


“I-I love you,” Jack bit his lips, looking more nervous that Alex had ever seen him before.

“Well, well I love you too Jack,” Alex pressed a light kiss to Jack’s forehead, “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas Alex,” Jack kissed Alex’s nose before the blonde boy pulled him closer to him, kissing his lips with a such fiery lust, Jack felt the hairs on the back of his neck begin to stand up. “I’m really glad I found you.”

“I’m glad you found me too, or you’d still be that geeky boy that spent everyday alone, but me? I’m awesome, so you’re awesome by default,” Alex smiled, earning him a slight punch to the stomach from Jack, who laughed lightly.

“Can we watch another film now?”

Almost as soon as the movie began, Alex’s phone starting ringing.


“Alex sweetie, dinner in thirty minutes,” Isobel’s slightly raspy voice spoke on the other end of the line.

“Alright mom, I’ll be there in a bit,” Alex replied, putting his phone back into his pocket. Jack looked up at Alex, who had his chin resting on Jack’s head.

“Have you to go now?”

“In a few minutes,” Alex smiled, kissing Jack’s hair before standing up. Jack paused the film, standing too. Alex sat on the edge of the bed, tying the laces of his converse and slipping his overcoat on over his hoodie. “I’ll see you later though, okay?”

“Of course, come on,” Jack took Alex’s hand and led him down the staircase to the front door. Stepping outside, trying to avoid being seen by either of Jack’s parents. Alex twisted both of his hands into Jack’s, kissing him lightly, smiling into it.

“I’ll call you later Jack.”

“Yeah, Alex?”

“Hmm?” Alex turned from the gate.

“I love you,” Jack smiled, biting his lip.

“I love you too babe,” Alex unlocked the gate and the driver side door, climbing into the brand new car.

author: choosethebattle, pg-13, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, chaptered: at least were alive, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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